A Guide to Planning Transitions to School

Transition Planning Worksheet

Data on attendance and absenteeism are essential tools for creating a thoughtful plan for the transition back to school. Data sheds light on where additional investments are needed to ensure positive conditions for learning are in place to motivate students to show up to school regardless of whether classes are offered in person, through distance learning or another method.

The worksheets on this page are intended to help district and school leaders. The worksheet can be used to address urgent issues and some of the factors that need to be considered as you revise, adapt and develop a plan for the 2020-21 fall semester and subsequently a year-long transition plan.

This worksheet is not meant to be an in depth analysis of a school or district’s system. For a more intensive analysis, consider piloting the Transition Attendance Analysis Tools, for Elementary (PreK-5), Secondary (6-12) and District.

To learn more about the underlying concepts, read our Present, Engaged and Supported: A Guide for Planning Transitions to School.

For questions about the checklists, email help@attendanceworks.org