Expanded Metrics for Monitoring Attendance and Engagement
Attendance Works promotes an expanded framework for monitoring attendance and engagement, especially given insights learned from the Covid-19 pandemic about how data can inform our work when unexpected disruptions in learning occur.
To support engagement and attendance, we advise districts and schools to monitor five key metrics, Prior Year Chronic Absence, Attendance (in-person and remote), Contact, Connectivity and Relationships. Together, these data paint a holistic picture of whether students are positioned to benefit from current learning opportunities. They also alert schools and communities that timely action is needed when students face challenges to showing up to class.
We understand that the last three metrics (Contact, Connectivity and Relationships) are new for schools and districts. While systems to monitor these are a work in progress, we are sharing them to guide your work. The section below offers a deeper definition and rationale for our recommended metrics to monitor during the school year.
We know that showing up matters, and that when students show up to learn, they are more likely to be able to stay on-track, stay engaged and meet major educational milestones. It is more essential than ever to measure attendance and notice which students are facing difficulties in showing up for learning. Our responsibility to use data for early warning, and ensure we are helping schools, students and families solve the barriers to learning, is paramount to ensuring long-term recovery from the pandemic.
Updated August 2023