
Below is a list of key research related to attendance for Truancy

For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.

Better Together? Social Networks in Truancy and the Targeting of Treatment

Bennett, Magdalena and Peter Bergman, Columbia University, October 2018. Teachers who send text messages to parents of students who were chronically absent also boosted attendance among that student’s friend network. The research shows that the “spillover effects” of family or student intervention onto their peers can help reduce the cost of school or district interventions designed to improve attendance.
Published:   October 2018

Increasing school attendance for K-8 students: A review of research examining the effectiveness of truancy prevention programs

Schultz, Jennifer Lee and Chanelle Gandy. Wilder Foundation, March 2007. This analysis examines several multi-faceted truancy prevention programs, which combine school-based, family-based, and community-based interventions. The study focused on programs for elementary and middle school students. Detailed descriptions are given of the studies, along with specific examples of what worked well and what methods were ineffective.
Published:   March 2007

Long-Term Effects of Truancy Diversion on School Attendance: a Quasi-Experimental Study with Linked Administrative Data

Clea A. McNeely, Won Fy Lee, et. al., Prevention Science. Over 60% of US school districts implement court diversion programs to address chronic unexcused absenteeism, yet the effectiveness of these programs is not known. The study evaluated whether the Truancy Intervention Program (TIP) improved school attendance of students in grades 7–10 in a metropolitan county in the US Midwest.
Published:   July 2019

Rethinking the Role of the Juvenile Justice System: Improving Youth’s School Attendance and Educational Outcomes

The Council of State Governments Justice Center, September 16, 2020. This report summarizes key findings from an unprecedented research study on the impact of juvenile justice system involvement — particularly probation — on school attendance. It reveals that kids involved in the juvenile justice system in South Carolina not only didn’t experience attendance improvements, but their attendance actually got worse.…
Published:   September 2020
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