Holiday Messaging

Keep Up the Routine of Attendance This Year!

While the 2023-24 school year has started off with less interruptions from Covid-19, we are still grappling with very high levels of chronic absenteeism and lack of family engagement. Some students are still establishing a routine of regular attendance, making it more important than ever to support this rhythm during the holiday season.

Keep in mind that some students and families remain deeply affected emotionally, academically and financially by challenges heighted by the pandemic. During this holiday season, please make time to offer empathy and support to students and families. Be sure to emphasize the lifelong value of daily attendance for well-being, learning and achievement.

Seasons Greetings - small


Attendance Works has developed messaging and letters for school leaders hoping to encourage good attendance around the winter holidays. We recommend: 

  • Send a letter out (see below) before Thanksgiving and again in the weeks before the longer winter break urging students and families to avoid absences.

  • Let them know the date when school will resume.

  • Include the name and contact information for the school, and for organizations that can provide support to families if they need help.

  • Stress the importance of avoiding unnecessary health-related absences. Consider sharing health flyers and encourage students and families to take steps to stay healthy and avoid getting sick, as well as only miss school if they are truly ill. Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to recover from the uncertainties of the last few years – to learn, connect to peers and teachers and benefit from classroom instructions.

  • Plan a special event for the first day after the holiday break to welcome students and staff back. If the school or teachers are equipped to text parents, send a text right before school starts again to remind them of special plans.

We want to express our gratitude to everyone who continues to help students stay engaged, healthy and learning!

  • Download a Thanksgiving-themed letter in English and Spanish

  • Download a letter to send before the winter break holidays in English and Spanish