
Below is research related to attendance for Evidence Based Solutions

For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.

Preventable Failure: Improvements in Long-Term Outcomes when High Schools Focused on the Ninth Grade Year

Roderick, Melissa. University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research, April 2014. Research from UChicago CCSR shows that students who end their ninth-grade year on track are almost four times more likely to graduate from high school than those who are off track. In response, Chicago Public Schools launched a major effort in 2007 centered on keeping more ninth-graders on…
Published:   April 2014

Preventing Student Disengagement and Keeping Students on the Graduation Path in Urban Middle-Grades Schools: Early Identification and Effective Interventions,

Balfanz, Robert, Lisa Herzog and Douglas J. Mac Iver. Educational Psychologist, 42(4), 223–235 Copyright 2007, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. In this study of the freshman year of high school, researchers found that attendance in this pivotal transition year was a key indicator of whether students would finish high school. The study also found attendance and studying more predictive of dropout…
Published:   November 2007

Using Behavioral Insights to Improve Truancy Notifications

Lasky-Fink, Jessica, Carly Robinson, Hedy Chang, and Todd Rogers. Harvard Kennedy School, August 2019. In this working paper, researchers modified a district’s standard notification letter. The modified letters reduced absences in the following month by 2 percent, translating to .07 fewer days of absence, equal to a 40 percent improvement over the estimated effectiveness of the standard truancy notification.
Published:   August 2019
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