
Below is a list of key research related to attendance for Elementary School

For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.

Longitudinal Attendance Patterns: Developing High School Dropouts

Schoeneberger, Jason A. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 85:1, 7-14. In this study, the researcher used longitudinal data on student attendance patterns from a large urban school district to model trajectories over time and categorize students into groups based on their attendance patterns from 1st through 8th grades. Using this technique, the study identified…
Published:   November 2011

Lost Days: Patterns and Levels of Chronic Absence Among Baltimore City Public School Students 1999-00 to 2005-06

Baltimore Education Research Consortium, Spring 2008. This brief reveals that chronic absenteeism presents a significant challenge to classroom instruction and learning rates in the primary grades (1st – 5th) in Baltimore City Schools. Roughly a third of students in the first grade cohort were chronically absent at least once during their first five years. By the early secondary grades (6th…
Published:   April 2008

Maintaining High Achievement in Baltimore: An Overview of the Elementary School Trajectories of Four Recent City Schools First Grade Cohorts

Durham, Rachel and Stephen B. Plank. Baltimore Educational Research Consortium, March 2010.The results from this study of four elementary schools show increased academic achievement and reduced chronic absence. It suggests that many recent reform efforts–among them improved developmental conditions from birth to age five, universal prekindergarten, reduced class sizes in the early grades, and standardized curricula–are succeeding in keeping Baltimore…
Published:   March 2010

Present and Accounted for: Improving Student Attendance Through Family and Community Involvement

Epstein, J.L. and S.B. Sheldon. Journal of Educational Research, 95, 308-318, May/June 2002. This study discusses the results of an analysis of longitudinal data collected on schools’ rates of daily student attendance and chronic absenteeism and on specific partnership practices that were implemented to help increase or sustain student attendance. Results indicate that several family–school–community partnership practices predict an increase…
Published:   May 2002

Present, Engaged & Accounted For: The Critical Importance of Addressing Chronic Absence in the Early Grades

Chang, Hedy and Mariajose Romero. National Center for Children in Poverty: NY: NY, September 2008. This report documents the consequences, prevalence, potential causes and possible solutions to children missing extended periods of school in grades K-3rd. Although students must be present and engaged to learn, thousands of this country’s youngest students are academically at-risk because of extended absences when they…
Published:   September 2008

Principal Quality and Student Attendance

Bartanen, Brendan. Educational Researcher, Vol. 49, Issue 2, p 101-113. March 2020. This paper utilizes a value-added framework and draws on a decade of statewide data from Tennessee to determine principals’ effects on student absences, and finds these effects on student absences are significant and comparable in magnitude to their effects on student performance.
Published:   March 2020

Retained Students and Classmates’ Absences in Urban Schools

Gottfried, Michael A. American Educational Research Journal, December 2013, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 1392–1423. Research in grade retention has predominantly focused on the effect of this practice on the retained student. This study examines the effect of retained classmates on the outcomes of other students in the same classroom. Using a longitudinal data set of all elementary school students…
Published:   December 2013
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