
Below is a list of key research related to attendance for Elementary School

For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.

Can Texting Parents Improve Attendance in Elementary School? A Test of an Adaptive Messaging Strategy

Heppen, Jessica, Kurki, A., & Brown, S. American Institutes for Research (AIR) for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). This report presents findings from a study that tested four versions of an adaptive text messaging strategy to see which, if any, would reduce chronic absence and improve achievement among 26,000 elementary school students. All four versions of the adaptive text…
Published:   September 2020

Chronic Absence in the Sacramento Unified School District

University of California, Davis, Center for Regional Change, 2012. The UC Davis Center for Regional change conducted an assessment of chronic absence in the Sacramento Unified School District, describing prevalence, costs, characteristics of chronically absent students, barriers to attendance, and building partnerships that eliminate barriers to attendance.
Published:   July 2012

Chronic Absence in Utah Public Schools

Utah Education Policy Center at the University of Utah. In 2012, the researchers released a brief to highlight their important findings on chronic absence and its effects in Utah. The study of five years of attendance data emphasizes the need for early identification of students who are chronically absent, and identified chronic absenteeism as a key predictor of dropouts as…
Published:   July 2012

Chronic Absenteeism in the Classroom Context: Effects on Achievement

Gottfried, Michael A. (Urban Education, in press). This article examines the spillover effects of one student’s chronic absenteeism on the academic achievement of the students in the same classroom. The researchers utilized a dataset of elementary schoolchildren from a large-scale urban district where the rates of chronic absenteeism were expected to be higher compared to the national average. They looked…
Published:   January 2013

Court-Assisted Truancy Programs: A 2013 Survey of Indiana School Superintendents

Lochmiller, Chad R. Prepared for the Indiana Department of Education by the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy (CEEP) at Indiana University, October 2013. School superintendents were surveyed to determine whether the state’s school corporations had established court-assisted truancy programs and, if they had, what support these programs provide. CEEP found court-assisted truancy programs operating in only a few school…
Published:   October 2013

Evaluating the Relationship Between Student Attendance and Achievement in Urban Elementary and Middle Schools: An Instrumental Variables Approach

Gottfried, Michael A. American Educational Research Journal, June 2010, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 434-465. This study evaluates the connection between student attendance and positive learning outcomes. The researcher uses a comprehensive data set of elementary and middle schools in the Philadelphia school district to explore the causal impact of attendance on multiple measures of achievement, including grade-point average and…
Published:   June 2010

Family League 2011-12 Out of School Time Programs in Baltimore City

Olson, Linda S., Faith Connolly and Alok H. Kommajesula. Baltimore Education Research Consortium, Baltimore, MD, October 2013. This report examines the relationship between out-of-school time programs and school absence. Through the Family League’s education initiative, thousands of children in Baltimore have access to quality after school and summer learning opportunities. Among students who regularly attended OST programs, they had higher…
Published:   October 2013
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