Scan of Environment and Attendance (SEAT)

Courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action.
The Scan of Environment and Attendance Tool (SEAT) is designed for school leaders to engage school staff, students, parents and community members to identify strengths and opportunities to promote positive school culture and strong attendance. Using the SEAT, schools can identify strengths and opportunities to shape the underlying issues that contribute to student attendance, including climate, culture and the physical environment. Equipped with information about building-level practices that influence attendance, schools can take actionable steps to address some of the causes, not just the symptoms, of chronic absence.
The SEAT is intended to be used multiple times over the course of the school year. It can be a tool for qualitative analysis of the observable features of school climate that support a culture of attendance and engagement. Note that each of the characteristics in the SEAT may not be visible in a single walkthrough. Schools are encouraged to select different times of the school day that may be conducive to observing the different climate elements.
Organized into two separate modules for grades K-5 (Elementary) and 6-12 (Middle and High), the SEAT can be used in schools of any size.
See the accompanying User Guide for more information about why each of the factors in the SEAT checklist can help support improved school climate and student attendance. Download the free tools below.