When a student misses 10 percent of school days, how can schools and communities make sure that there is personalized early outreach to students and families? What does it look like when students are supported with an effective action plan that addresses the reasons for their absences?
It Takes Two: Adding Early Intervention Strategies to Address Chronic Absence is the second in the AAC2017 webinar series. During this free webinar, on Tuesday, May 23 (11:00 am – 12:30 pm PT / 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm ET), you’ll hear what teachers, mentors, school nurses and other caring adults can do to identify and help students improve attendance as soon as they show signs of falling off track.
Join in with questions for our Speakers:
- Lysette Lemay, Parent Teacher Home Visits (PTHV)
- Donna Mazyck, National Association of School Nurses (NASN)
- Terri Helm-Remund, Seattle Public Schools
- Linda Amica-Roberts, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, and
- Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works

The webinar will provide a range of answers to the question: What else can or should we do for the students for whom universal supports aren’t enough to help them attend school regularly? Each community and program featured on the webinar will have strong Tier 1 strategies in place, such as recognizing and rewarding attendance improvements, creating a welcoming school environment and monitoring chronic absence data to identify common barriers.
This September, as we celebrate Attendance Awareness Month, we have the opportunity help all students build the essential skill of showing up on time every day. Don’t miss out!
Special Note: We are likely to exceed the webinar room capacity of 500! Please note that once you register you will receive the webinar recording, PowerPoint slides and other materials whether you attend or not. You might consider organizing a separate session to watch with a group using the recording and discussion guide. Guests are welcome to log in 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the webinar on May 23.
Each webinar in this year’s series builds on the previous one. If you missed the first webinar, Reducing Chronic Absence: It’s a Matter of 1, 2, 3!, click here and scroll down for the archived recording and materials.
Save the dates for the remaining Attendance Awareness Month webinars for 2017: August 8 and September 12.