00:30:52 Amy Eing: Amy Eing- Athens Meigs ESC 00:31:13 Scott Eldredge, SST 12: Scott Eldredge SST 12 00:31:16 Amber Fomenko, JCESC: Amber Fomenko-Jefferson County ESC 00:31:22 Tamie Cruz, SST1: Hello! Tamie Cruz SST1 00:31:23 Ronald Sismondo: Ronald Sismondo, Jefferson County ESC 00:31:41 JB Justice, SST 15: JB 00:31:46 Charles Tucker: Buddy Tucker SST 12 00:31:57 JB Justice, SST 15: JB Justice, SST 15 00:33:30 Angie Rechtine - ESC of Lake Erie West: Angie Rechtine, ESC of Lake Erie West. PD Consultant. Fav work team - my PD team:) 00:33:35 Jennifer Maze: Jennifer Maze Ohio Valley ECS Family and Community Partnership Liaison my favorite team I work on is our Family Support Team at the OVESC 00:33:38 Brandi Russell: Linda Seth ESC 00:33:41 Gisela Ariza: Reacted to "Angie Rechtine, ESC ..." with ❤️ 00:33:44 Gisela Ariza: Reacted to "Jennifer Maze Ohio V..." with ❤️ 00:33:47 Tamie Cruz, SST1: Reacted to "Angie Rechtine, ESC ..." with 👍🏻 00:33:56 JB Justice, SST 15: SPDG 00:34:02 Scott Eldredge, SST 12: PBIS 00:34:10 Gisela Ariza: Reacted to "PBIS" with ❤️ 00:34:12 Gisela Ariza: Reacted to "SPDG" with ❤️ 00:34:14 Tonya Steele, MVESC: Tonya Steele, Family and Community Partnership Liaison, Muskingum Valley ESC, Student Support team 00:34:49 Scott Power: Scott Power, Family and Community Partnership Liaison, ECOESC 00:38:54 Cathy Wolfenden: Small Group Discussion: Sharing Foundational Strategies Each person share what they piloted in Sept/Oct. What worked? What are growth opportunities? 01:12:50 Cathy Wolfenden: Everyone has a different touchpoint with a district and/or school based on their role. What are opportunities to apply these team best practices with the district and/or school team? How can I engage other ESC/SST staff to support district and school teams? 01:53:47 Cathy Wolfenden: Meeting Evaluation Link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ESCSSTSession2