00:20:59 Cdraper: Charles Draper 00:21:01 Jason Evans: Jason Evans- Ellendale 00:21:03 tbentley: Tina Bentley Bethlehem Elementary 00:21:03 ajohnson: Amy Johnson- Student Success Center 00:21:12 Dominique Roberts: Dominique Roberts - Student Success Center and West Alexander Middle. 00:21:13 Lauren Scott- School Social Worker: Lauren Scott, School Social Worker for SLES and TES 00:21:13 Joe Mabry: Joseph Mabry- Sugar Loaf 00:21:32 Lisa Sourisack - ACS SSW: Hello all! This is Lisa Sourisack - school social worker at Hiddenite and Wittenburg Elementary Schools ☺️ 00:21:46 Kristin Frye: Kristin Frye School Counselor at Alexander Early College 00:22:01 Dberry: Darlene Berry SW SPES and EAMS 00:22:21 Adaigle: Amy Daigle, Principal, Hiddenite Elementary 00:23:12 mbrown: Mary Brown - AEC 00:23:45 knash: Katie Nash, Principal, West Alexander Middle School 00:24:00 Carrie Head: Carrie Head, School Social Worker 00:24:26 Sarah Noble: Sarah Noble, School Social Worker for West Alexander / Ellendale Elementary 00:24:33 Leslie Williamson: Leslie Williamson, School Psychologist 00:24:37 mcalhoun: Megan Calhoun, School Counselor ACHS 00:24:58 Kasey Gaddy: Kasey Gaddy-School counselor-TES 00:25:12 Cdraper: Charles Draper, Principal, Bethlehem Elementary School, Parents and coaches 00:25:14 apalmer: Andy Palmer, Principal SPES Mom and Dad 00:25:21 Melinda Glenn: Melinda Glenn, Principal, AVA 00:25:23 tbentley: Tina Bentley my parents 00:25:29 mbrown: Parents 00:25:45 knash: Parents/ Grandparents 00:25:56 Courtney Gurley: Courtney Gurley - School Counselor Stony Point - parents 00:26:13 ajohnson: Friends 00:27:02 Bre Williams: Bre Williams MTSS Coordinator - good attendance, motivator was sports, teachers, friends, courses I liked 00:32:16 Kristin Frye: communication 00:32:17 Dominique Roberts: Communication 00:32:21 Cdraper: trust 00:32:24 Lauren Scott- School Social Worker: communication 00:32:25 Dberry: shared vision and goal 00:32:26 ajohnson: communication 00:32:26 Joe Mabry: Same vision 00:32:26 mbrown: reflection 00:32:27 tbentley: Communication 00:32:27 Alexander County Schools: unified commitment or goal 00:32:29 kcurry: trust 00:32:31 Jason Evans: Communication 00:32:32 Ainsley Bowers: Listening to all people in the group 00:32:34 Kasey Gaddy: communication 00:32:38 Dominique Roberts: Consistency 00:32:41 mcalhoun: Trust and shared collaboration 00:41:52 mbrown: 'PLC 00:42:16 Adaigle: Leadership Team, Administration Team, & PLCs 01:11:00 Melinda Glenn: Not engaging in virtual. Student can seem to be virtually present but not actively learning 01:11:14 Janel Lingle: TES host "summit" meetings with families early and often to problem solve and build relationships 01:36:05 Melinda Glenn: relationships 01:36:05 mbrown: Personal contact. Positive interactions 01:36:33 Janel Lingle: school environment...they want to be there 01:36:38 Ainsley Bowers: Positive student to student interactions and student to staff connections 01:36:50 mcalhoun: Persistent Relationships 01:42:54 Cathy Wolfenden: You can download today's slides here: https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Session-2-Early-Interventions-FINAL-Alexander-County-Fall-2022-v3.pdf 01:43:34 Kristin Frye: Thank you! 01:43:39 Alexander County Schools: We have a few teams still continuing their group disccussions. -Jess 01:43:39 Cdraper: Thank you! 01:43:53 Cathy Wolfenden: Before you go, please fill out the class evaluation https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 01:44:52 Cathy Wolfenden: Find the slides and resource links here https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Session-2-Early-Interventions-FINAL-Alexander-County-Fall-2022-v3.pdf