00:17:11 kayla stone : Kayla- Moorhead, MN 00:17:23 Ruby Chavez: Ruby Chavez-AZ 00:17:29 Hal: Hal Van Metre 00:17:30 cara.powell: Cara Powell, MSW, LGSW West Virginia Hampshire County School Social Worker 00:17:36 Lacey: Lacey - Moorhead Schools, Moorhead MN- e-learning day for students. Blizzard here 00:17:38 Dave Haberman: Dave Haberman-Assistant Principal-Liberty Arts Magent-Lima City Schools-Ohio 00:17:43 tiffany.giles: Tiffany Giles, CIS West Virginia 00:17:44 Aj Goines: Aj Goines, MTSS Partner High School Network, OUSD, California 00:17:47 Hal: Hal Van Metre- Attendance Director Berkeley County WV 00:17:49 Monica: Moorhead MN 00:17:50 Tamara Centeno: Good Morning !!! Tamara Centeno K-8 Attendance The Academy of Alameda CA 00:17:55 Angela Miller, Lima City Schools: Angela Miller--Supervisor of Special Education/Preschool--Lima Ohio 00:18:00 Jenny Johns: Jenny Johns District Attendance Officer and Engagement Liaison--Monroe, Michigan 00:18:03 szeller: Sarah Zeller, School Social Worker, Lima, Ohio 00:18:11 christa.brakeall: Christa Brakeall, LSW Capon Bridge Elementary School 00:18:33 BentoJ: Jacinta Bento Child Welfare &Attendance Liaison Chowchilla Elementary CA 00:18:44 dactable: Good morning! Donna Actable, Department of Early Childhood Paterson NJ 00:18:45 NUVEMAN: Chandra Nuveman, Principal Lima City Schools 00:18:51 ehook: Liz Hook, PPS-DECE 00:18:53 Miosotis Castillo: Miosotis Castillo, Early Childhood Paterson P.S 00:19:15 Dr. Keena Howell: Morning,Keena Howell, Coordinator of Pupil Personnel Services, Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland 00:20:50 cara.powell: Communities in Schools 00:20:53 Aj Goines: school staff (not just teachers all staff) 00:20:56 Ruby Chavez: My school social worker 00:20:59 Dr. Keena Howell: Street Outreach Network 00:21:01 Hal: Community in Schools 00:21:05 Miosotis Castillo: Parental involvement 00:21:11 Jeremy Crowe: Schools as Community Hubs 00:21:16 NUVEMAN: Community partner- parents 00:21:16 Jenny Johns: We have a lot of mental health services we partner with 00:21:21 cara.powell: LIBERA 00:21:25 R. Huber: Rebecca Huber, Principal, Morgan County WV, The Morgan County Partnership~ Social Workers 00:21:50 BentoJ: School staff 00:22:37 Dr. Karen Dabney-Lieras, HLPUSD: Good Morning, Karen Dabney-Lieras, Ex. Director Student and Family Services, HLPUSD ( Southern Ca), Home visits, Sarb/SART process to identify needs of families 00:22:51 Miosotis Castillo: resources for families 00:27:20 Rosie Grant (she/her): Risie Grant, Paterson Education Fund. Paterson NJ. I'm mobile and having audio issues. 00:27:56 Hedy Chang: Greetings Rosie. Glad you can join. Hopefully audio issues will improve. If not, we will share the recording 00:32:41 Miosotis Castillo: Awesome video! 00:32:47 Lacey: great video! 00:32:52 Tamara Centeno: Excellent video for a PD 00:32:57 Laura Wells Parent: Relationships 00:32:57 christa.brakeall: That was spot on. Good reflection. 00:33:02 Becky Balla: relationships 00:33:04 Dave Haberman: Relationships 00:33:05 Carrie Holloway: Students feel like they're wanted and have relationships 00:33:08 csantiago: Excellent video! 00:33:08 cara.powell: Kids need to feel welcome at school 00:33:09 Miosotis Castillo: Welcoming and caring Environment 00:33:10 Monica: connection 00:33:12 Ms. Cabrales: Welcoming environment 00:33:12 Angela Miller, Lima City Schools: relationships 00:33:14 BentoJ: if kids have relationships .. 00:33:16 szeller: Relationships and students wanting to come to school 00:33:19 Tamara Centeno: connection 00:33:22 Ruby Chavez: Greeting / relationships including knowing the students names 00:33:22 cara.powell: Caring 00:33:24 Lacey: building those relationships, giving them a reason to be there 00:33:25 tiffany.giles: When children know you care they are more willing to come to school. I wish my staff could see this!! 00:33:32 kayla stone : welcoming environment! 00:33:33 Jenny Johns: giving students a reason to want to come. They feel welcomed and wanted. 00:33:36 Brenda Ramos: Paterson Education Fund - NJ: Children feel seen and connected 00:33:38 Michelle Vanbuskirk: relationships and students wanting to be at school 00:33:39 Hedy Chang: It shows everyone has a role! 00:34:01 Monica: to JUST take attendance :D 00:34:05 Miosotis Castillo: Encouraging staff 00:34:10 cara.powell: I thank every student for coming to school and address them by name. I am part of an attendance team 00:34:18 tiffany.giles: We are starting a school wide March Madness Attendance event 00:34:21 Carrie Holloway: We have initiative programs that involve our staff with incentives too 00:34:37 Jenny Johns: getting staff excited to be there... 00:34:45 NUVEMAN: relationships with kids 00:34:59 Tamara Centeno: Scheduling welcoming staff 00:35:07 dactable: Intentionally noticing when a child is absent 00:35:08 Brenda Ramos: Paterson Education Fund - NJ: Thatโ€™s an excellent point Hedy 00:35:18 cara.powell: I text parents if kids on my caseload are absent 00:35:27 Miosotis Castillo: Model Behavior 00:35:41 Lacey: our teachers are a part of the Attendance Champion program we set up with our school. Each teacher will have someone not in their class and they will help support them. Checking in, saying hi, sending snail mail. Be another positive support for them besides their home room teacher 00:35:50 cara.powell: We do that! Administrators welcome kids 00:36:00 Tamara Centeno: We have a schedule for staff to welcome students 00:36:20 Ruby Chavez: we have all our teachers welcoming all our students to school from 8am to 8:45 00:36:22 Tamara Centeno: No day without someone to welcome students 00:41:59 cara.powell: appropriate use of self disclosure 00:42:01 Hal: To make the conversation go well, you always must come from the position of helping a student. It cannot be about blame. 00:42:04 Summer: Something was misunderstood because the statement or message was not clear. 00:42:04 Tamara Centeno: When I contacted the parent without knowing the kid 00:42:10 christa.brakeall: Listen better 00:42:10 cara.powell: meet them where they are 00:42:11 Monica: there was no relationship before the conversation 00:42:18 Carrie Holloway: Words being taken differently than intended 00:42:29 NUVEMAN: listen first 00:42:31 BentoJ: listen and act as a team not blame 00:42:34 Jenny Johns: Having more empathy and also knowing all the facts 00:42:38 Brenda Ramos: Paterson Education Fund - NJ: Not making assumptions and instead asking caring questions 00:42:47 Dave Haberman: not getting the full story 00:42:47 Dr. Keena Howell: approach conversation as a wellness check, assess needs to assist with removing barrier to attend 00:42:49 dactable: Addressing the problem without asking why 00:42:54 Miosotis Castillo: Used deficit approach model of comm. 00:43:06 Ruby Chavez: sometimes talking to the parents first than students just becuase parents don't like their kids to be address first without letting them know first 00:43:08 Tamara Centeno: I assumed the parent speak English 00:44:19 cara.powell: nurse consult 00:44:59 cara.powell: chronic absence form 00:50:00 Carrie Holloway: Any siblings? 00:50:09 Aj Goines: What are some hobbies or interests the student have. 00:50:12 Tamara Centeno: I go over a simple survey with the family 00:50:17 dactable: First child in school? 00:50:59 Ms. Cabrales: What are goals they have for their children 00:51:08 Tamara Centeno: Its a chat survey that includes general info about family, routines, challenges and their experience in the school 00:51:38 Miosotis Castillo: things you noticed child do well in school 00:51:47 Jenny Johns: kind acts the child does 00:51:48 Dr. Keena Howell: Student is kind and adjust well when transitioning 00:54:06 Tamara Centeno: Find out if the parent is getting absences notifications. Many times the contact info is wrong 00:54:08 Dr. Keena Howell: Many times parents do not understand/recognize the data until a summary is provided especially when marked on a calendar 00:55:25 Tamara Centeno: For MS I sent the total number of missed classes not only missed days 00:56:49 Cathy Wolfenden, AW: Small group questions: At your school: Who in your school community could benefit from learning about Caring Conversations? How and when can you introduce them to Caring Conversations? 01:11:02 Summer: Teachers and during team planning times. 01:12:29 Tamara Centeno: Trader Joes style say something to connect 01:12:34 Miosotis Castillo: Any opportunity you have. 01:12:53 Aj Goines: The video showed how we all impact students. Something similar to make sure that the adults understand that. 01:16:49 Jenny Johns: lack of listening and having time for parents and students. 01:16:55 Monica: Time time and time 01:17:07 Jenny Johns: what we can do.... 01:17:08 Tamara Centeno: No respond from parents 01:17:20 Monica: reaching out to families, spending time with students 01:17:20 Tamara Centeno: Not enough staff 01:17:22 Cynthia: Seeking first to understand... then be understood. 01:17:28 Jenny Johns: divide up responsibilities among staff 01:17:47 Hal: moving from fire to fire not having the time to dedicate to each issue 01:17:48 csantiago: Short Staffed 01:17:58 Aj Goines: Reacted to "moving from fire to ..." with ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ 01:18:12 Aj Goines: Reacted to "divide up responsibi..." with ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ 01:21:26 Cathy Wolfenden, AW: Find the self-assessments here: https://www.attendanceworks.org/resources/self-assessment/ 01:23:12 Hedy Chang: BTW-- I want to acknowledge that community schools in a national context means something different than for those of you in Ohio where community schools typically refer to alternative education type programs 01:24:37 Hedy Chang: And, for those in California, we truly have more resource than ever for community schools since about $4 Billion are allocated for community schools which has been a major priority for Superintendent Thurmond 01:28:21 Rosie Grant (she/her): Community based after school programs 01:37:23 Cathy Wolfenden, AW: Here are today's slides: https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/SESSION-3-Partnering-to-Make-a-Difference-Group-1-Feb-15-2023-v2.pdf