00:34:35 Carrie Head: yes 00:34:36 Kristin Frye AEC School Counselor: Kristin Frye from Alexander Early College 00:34:46 mcalhoun: Megan Calhoun 00:34:48 mcalhoun: ACHS 00:34:51 Leslie Williamson: Leslie Williamson, School Psychologist 00:35:09 Janel Lingle-TES: Janel Lingle Taylorsville Elementary 00:35:12 Carrie Head: Carrie Head ~ School Social Worker ~ Alexander Central High School & Alexander Early College 00:35:15 mcalhoun: Ashley Mayo - Assistant Principal ACHS 00:35:20 Cdraper: Charles Draper, Elementary Principal 00:35:24 tbentley: Tina Bentley - BES school Counselor 00:35:25 Andrea Elder: Andrea Elder, Counselor Hiddenite 00:35:30 Melinda Glenn: Melinda Glenn- Alexander Virtual Academy principal 00:35:30 Amy Daigle, Alexander County Schools: Amy Daigle, Principal, Hiddenite Elementary 00:35:38 Kasey: Kasey Gaddy-counselor-Taylorsville 00:35:39 Lisa Sourisack - Alexander Co Schools SSW: Lisa Sourisack, School Social Worker - Hiddenite and Wittenburg Elementary Schools 00:35:40 Evans: Jason Evans- EES Principal 00:35:40 Jsmundy: Jordyn Mundy, School Counselor, Hiddenite Elem 00:35:47 Dominique Roberts: Dominique Roberts, School Counselor (SSC & West Middle) 00:35:51 Amy Chapman: Amy Chapman-School Counselor 00:36:03 kcurry: Kimberley Curry, Counselor, Sugar Loaf Elementary 00:36:11 Lauren Scott School Social Worker: Lauren Scott 00:36:23 mbrown: Mary Brown - AEC Principal 00:36:33 Lauren Scott School Social Worker: Lauren Scott School Social Worker, TES and SLES 00:37:05 Amy Chapman: East Alexander Middle School Counselors Amy Chapman, Miriam Starnes 00:37:27 Amy Chapman: Darlene Berry- Stony Point and East Alexander Middle SChool Social Worker 00:45:39 Ashley Weber: Ashley Weber- Principal at Wittenburg Elementary 00:45:42 Melinda Glenn: Rule follower- I was supposed to be in school...so I went! 00:45:45 Kristin Frye AEC School Counselor: Kristin Frye School Counselor Alexander Early College 00:45:46 Ainsley Bowers: Ainsley Bowers- School Counselor- Ellendale Elementary School- My Dad. 00:45:51 Joe Mabry: Joseph Mabry- Principal, Sugar Loaf Elementary School 00:45:55 Courtney Gurley: Courtney Gurley School Counselor - Stony Point Elementary 00:45:59 Haley Knapp: Haley Knapp- School Counselor at Wittenburg Elementary 00:45:59 kcurry: parents 00:46:01 Dakota Brown: Dakota Brown Instructional Coach Wittenburg 00:46:11 Evans: Family, friends, coaches 00:46:11 Joe Mabry: Missing school wasn't an option. 00:46:14 mcalhoun: Megan Calhoun - School Counselor 00:46:18 Amy Daigle, Alexander County Schools: My parents expected me to go to school 00:46:20 Janel Lingle-TES: Janel Lingle, Principal, TES - motivation to attend school - seeing my friends, playing sports, and learning new things. For me it was and still is about relationships 00:46:21 A. Palmer: Palmer, Principal- Stony Point My parents 00:46:22 mcalhoun: It wasn't an option 00:46:33 mcalhoun: Bre Williams loved school for athletics 00:46:34 Amy Chapman: I was expected to go and missing was not an option 00:46:36 Carrie Head: It was never an option in my house to be absent from school unless you were very very sick. 00:46:43 tbentley: Tina Bentley Bethlehem School Counselor my parents 00:46:46 Ashley Mayo - Asst Principal Alexander County Schools: Ashley Mayo, Assistant Principal Alexander Central - Going to school was the expectation. 00:46:48 mbrown: friends, parents, reading 00:47:05 Cdraper: parents, friends, coaches 00:50:31 Susan Lieberman: this data is from Conn 00:55:20 Susan Lieberman: ADA=Average Daily Attendance 00:57:57 Cdraper: Truancy 00:57:58 Evans: We track both, w/ consequences focusing on the truancy piece 00:58:12 Janel Lingle-TES: AT TES we do a good job of addressing both issues by building relationship with parents however our current policies are more reflective of truancy 00:58:28 Leslie Williamson: High school - we problem solve through chronic absenteeism but are bound by truancy 00:58:57 Janel Lingle-TES: our parents are not afraid of going to court therefore we need to change their mindset about how good school can be 00:59:23 Carrie Head: we made a group statement 00:59:39 Susan Lieberman: Thank you 01:06:39 Melinda Glenn: Connection to caring adult 01:06:49 Cdraper: recognition of good and improved attendance. 01:07:07 Kasey: connection to caring adult; celebrations of attendance and postitive office referrals 01:07:11 Andrea Elder: communication when students are absent 01:07:29 Cdraper: strategic family conferences 01:07:40 Kristin Frye AEC School Counselor: From High school- Teachers will email students and parents when students have missed class, Connections to a caring adult, impact on attendance on whole child widely understood 01:07:41 Ainsley Bowers: I work towards connections to caring adults in the school. 01:13:01 Janel Lingle-TES: engagement with students, they want to be there 01:13:08 Lauren Scott School Social Worker: positive adult interactions 01:13:09 Ainsley Bowers: Giving students choice if no the final say fives belonging and connection and engagement 01:13:17 Carrie Head: positive messages to the students making them feel like they belong and are supported 01:13:21 Kasey: feeling safe; wanting to be there; interactive learning 01:13:24 Melinda Glenn: relationships with adults and peers 01:19:43 Cathy Wolfenden: Reflect on the population of students you identified earlier who were most likely to be chronically absent.Share, which group of students you notice miss most often.What helps them come to school?What barriers keep them from school? 01:32:03 Evans: Being intentional about visibility and setting a positive tone- Leadership, Teachers, and all Staff 01:32:14 Carrie Head: set aside a time each week to make attendance calls 01:32:54 Cdraper: Making home visit to families you have not been able to connect with. 01:47:02 Carrie Head: b 01:47:03 Janel Lingle-TES: b 01:47:07 Ainsley Bowers: b 01:47:08 kcurry: b 01:47:09 Courtney Gurley: B 01:47:10 tbentley: b 01:49:58 Susan Lieberman: What Works to Sustain Engagement and Attendance? Wednesday, September 28, 2022. at 3:00 https://www.attendanceworks.org/resources/webinars/ 01:53:41 Susan Lieberman: please add any questions or comments 01:54:56 Cathy Wolfenden: Class evaluation https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj