00:13:24 Lorri Hobson: Welcome to session 3 00:17:28 aferrell: April Ferrell Wicomico County Maryland 00:17:33 Ron Dyda: Ron D, Wicomico County, Maryland 00:17:35 Tamicka Taylor: Tamicka Taylor, Wicomico County Public Schools 00:17:35 Matthew W. Curtis: Matthew W. Curtis - Wicomico County Public Schools - Maryland 00:17:38 Brad Brainer: Brad Brainer - Anne Arundel County Public Schools 00:17:38 Tierra H.: Tierra H, Wicomico County, Maryland 00:17:39 Tonya Scott: Tonya Scott, Wicomico County, Maryland 00:17:40 Felice Gaddis, she/her: Felice Gaddis, New Orleans, LA 00:17:42 Danielle Boggs: Danielle Boggs Wicomico County Maryland 00:17:43 Tammy Lauer: Tammy Lauer, Wicomico County BOE, Westside Primary School, Quantico, MD 00:17:45 Christine Kuehlewind: Hi, Christine Kuehlewind, Consultant, State Education Resource Center (SERC) in CT 00:17:46 Sophie Miller: Sophie Miller, New Orleans, LA 00:17:49 Monique Cola: Monique Cola, New Orleans 00:17:50 ghenderson: Gwen Henderson, PPW Anne Arundel County Maryland 00:17:56 Cathy Fykes: Cathy Fykes, Bennett Middle, Wicomico County Maryland, Reading Intervention 00:18:05 Mrs. Forbush, Principal: Lisa Forbush, Fruitland Primary School, Wicomico County (MD) 00:18:09 Ryan Luckman: Ryan Luckman - Mount St. Joseph. Baltimore, MD 00:18:12 D'Angelo: D'Angelo Washington, PPW, Anne Arundel County, Maryland 00:18:15 Teresa Willheit: Teresa Willheit, NOLA Public Schools 00:18:20 Tamyra Foreman: Tamyra Foreman-Wicomico County Public Schools 00:18:36 Peggy Dickerson: Peggy Dickerson 00:18:38 Sarah Hogarty: Sarah Hogarty, Director of School Operations, New Orleans 00:18:39 Rebecca Pavic: Rebecca Pavic, School Social Worker, Wicomico County Public Schools 00:18:58 Peggy Dickerson: Peggy Dickerson - Fruitland Intermediate 00:19:11 Christina Stewart: Christina Stewart, Principal- Wicomico County Public Schools 00:20:34 Marquez Robinson: Marquez Robinson 00:20:41 kzotti: Karina Zotti, PPW for AACPS, Maryland. 00:20:42 Jaimee' McKenzie: Jaimee' McKenzie, Director of School Attendance and Transitions, NOLA Public Schools, New Orleans 00:21:17 sharlimar: Identify a community partner you leverage to support you in this work? 00:21:28 Tamicka Taylor: Tamicka Taylor, PPW-Wicomico County MD, Partner-MD Food Bank, Faith Based Partner 00:21:29 Ms. Wilson: Bryonna Wilson, Leadership Program Coordinator, Wicomico County Public Schools, Salisbury, MD 00:21:30 Chareka Harris: Chareka Harris, School Counselor- Wicomico County Public Schools 00:21:41 Tierra H.: Boys & Girls Clubs 00:21:42 Chareka Harris: Faith Based partners, 00:21:43 aferrell: Epoch Dream Center 00:21:43 Sarah Hogarty: NORD, college track, Son of a Saint 00:21:44 Matthew W. Curtis: Wicomico Mentoring Project 00:21:48 Danielle Boggs: Faith Based Partner 00:21:49 Tarsha Magee, DSW, LCSW-BACS: Tarsha Magee, Clinical Social Worker, KIPP New OrleansNew Orleans, LA 00:21:53 kspiker: Public Library 00:21:56 Felice Gaddis, she/her: Fuel the Future 00:21:59 Tamicka Taylor: MD Food Bank 00:22:03 Tarsha Magee, DSW, LCSW-BACS: IWES 00:22:12 Mrs. Forbush, Principal: Mentoring Program, Faith Based Partners; Volunteer Program; MDFB 00:22:13 Monique Cola: Institute for Mental Hygiene 00:22:27 kzotti: Walk the Walk Foundation 00:22:30 Felice Gaddis, she/her: Office of Student Support and Attendance 00:22:31 Chareka Harris: Community Colleges 00:22:38 kzotti: Success in Style 00:22:42 Peggy Dickerson: Faith Based Partner 00:25:27 Cathy W,: Welcome! If you haven't already done so, please introduce yourself (name, district, state). 00:25:56 SCOTT TAYLOR: Scott Taylor, Wicomico County MD 00:26:20 Shannon H. Perry: Shannon H. Perry, NOLA Public Schools, New Orleans, LA 00:26:35 Amanda Chaffee: Amanda Chaffee, School Social Worker, Wicomico Middle School 00:27:38 Joe Raffa: Joseph Raffa, Student Advisor, Prince Street Elementary School, Salisbury, MD 00:29:46 Felice Gaddis, she/her: Access to slides/information that can be shared directly with school leaders 00:36:59 Kim Perillo: Got booted out. 00:41:47 Tonya Scott: In my area language is a huge barrier. We use Language Line to try to bridge this gap. 00:41:48 Sarah Hogarty: In New Orleans: displacement due to Hurricane Ida. Nation-wide: shortage of bus drivers has led to less consistent drivers, routes, and overall service. 00:41:50 Sophie Miller: Still recovering from a natural disaster, so displaced 00:41:55 Tarsha Magee, DSW, LCSW-BACS: transportation when they missed the bus 00:41:58 Cathy Fykes: Family in Transition, living in different county 00:42:02 Tierra H.: Parent losing vehicle due to not being able to work 00:42:07 Monique Cola: ditto from NOLA 00:42:08 Jaimee' McKenzie: Weather, driver shortage, buses not arriving in a timely fashion, but there is no communication with families 00:42:09 Christine Kuehlewind: transportation 00:42:12 Brad Brainer: Current Transportation 00:42:12 Ryan Luckman: School start time 00:42:12 Kim Perillo: Purchasing vans or getting shared ride vouchers for lack of transportation 00:42:29 Sophie Miller: Community resources are overwhelmed so cannot provide support.. families are on waitlists for help 00:42:30 Chareka Harris: Substance Abuse / Mental Illness of parents- Family Trauma 00:42:33 Tarsha Magee, DSW, LCSW-BACS: lack of childcare for teen parents 00:42:39 kspiker: We have our pre-k busses pick up older students on the route at a later time if they miss the bus or have an appointment in the morning. It's better than them missing the whole day. 00:42:46 Tierra H.: Possible Intervention-Car pooling from community partners. 00:42:48 Jennifer Baudy: Family housing changes, transportation, uniforms, childcare 00:42:57 Kim Perillo: Need more affordable before and after cares AT the schools 00:43:08 Felice Gaddis, she/her: Yes Kim! 00:43:18 Tonya Scott: Some high schools in Chicago have daycare in school for teen parents. 00:47:48 Joe Raffa: Sorry. I just got back in. Computer froze 00:53:52 Jennifer Baudy: I never thought about adding an attendance goal to an IEP. Thanks for the idea. 00:57:47 Dr.Dennis: Rewards are important, too. 00:58:42 Tierra H.: What the nurse at the beginning of the video mentioned is what I actually do. As Home school liaison, If I notice that a student has been out 3 consecutive days, I will do a well check 01:02:35 Tierra H.: Any information that I gain from families when I do well checks, I share with office associates, nurses, admin...etc. That way everyone is in the know. 01:02:46 Kim Perillo: Full School PD, inviting a variety of member to our attendance meetings, created a google doc to enter all attendance communications so that the whole school is on the same page 01:03:03 Chareka Harris: Invite Interpreter to be apart to give the team some cultural insight 01:03:04 Sarah Hogarty: Create routines of all school advisors following up with absent students, share data daily, highlight attendance wins and bright spots. 01:03:15 Ron Dyda: updated notes in student files online 01:03:16 Ryan Luckman: Build relationships with those teachers who struggle to turn in attendance. Hopefully have them understand the need for attendance, focusing on student safety and academic progress. 01:03:19 kspiker: Continue sharing attendance data with staff and encouraging them to keep in close contact with caregivers. Keep building the relationship and working the problem. 01:03:20 kbaker: We're just staying in constant communication as school teams regarding attendance. We are also staying informed through SST meetings and documenting all interventions. 01:03:25 Christine Kuehlewind: Review team member composition to ensure all groups are represented 01:03:27 Dr.Dennis: Even when some go out to do Food Bank, we ask that they check on attendance of the student. 01:03:28 Cathy Fykes: TEAM self-assessment, invite more staff members to join the Attendance Committee or contribute information 01:03:29 Kesha Cook: Attendance team meeting every week to discuss absences 01:03:50 Jennifer Baudy: Staff across the school have a role in our attendance. We review attendance data when we discuss academic performance and highlight the connections. 01:04:07 Tonya Scott: I said that my school needs improvement. Right now The attendance clerk and I (HSL) work closely. She brings students to my attention and I get with the nurse to find out if they are health excluded. 01:12:16 Tamicka Taylor: SUPPORT NOT FIX 01:19:17 Tonya Scott: How do we avoid being too invasive? 01:20:24 Lorri Hobson: Allow the parent to lead the conversation and notice if the parent is reluctant to share. Remain respectful, ask the parent to share what is comfortable. 01:20:33 Lorri Hobson: Respect boundaries. 01:20:52 Tonya Scott: Thank you. 01:21:33 Lorri Hobson: I love this tool. 01:34:42 Kim Perillo: Do a professional development on how to have Caring Conversations. 01:34:58 Kim Perillo: Love Sophie's loose script idea too! 01:34:59 Sarah Hogarty: I think ideally EVERYONE at the school is involved. That requires dedicated time for the work, which is a challenge, and skill building for those who haven’t had a ton of practice/experience or may feel nervous about taking on that role. 01:35:01 Peggy Dickerson: Everyone should be involved in caring conversations. 01:35:29 Mrs. Forbush, Principal: School as a community - Caring conversations that are consistent in the message and supportive of all involved. 01:35:30 Sophie Miller: We discussed utilizing a loose script of how to have a caring conversations so everyone has that resource or knowledge 01:35:30 Brad Brainer: initial positive feedback to parents can go a long way in building relationships with students and families. Starting the conversation with a positive can make families more receptive when the is a concern from the school. 01:35:51 Peggy Dickerson: Caring conversations builds relationships between school and home. 01:35:55 Christine Kuehlewind: Model and practice caring conversations as a school community- in staff meetings, trainings, and throughout other areas of the school 01:36:09 Tonya Scott: Caring conversations will help families open up to the school. In my school I usually have these conversations as the HSL. When issues are social I get our Social Workers and PPW involved. 01:36:16 Lorri Hobson: I love PD, modeling and practice. 01:36:38 Dr.Dennis: All need to be involved. 01:37:06 cwaters: Caring conversations are extremely important. Body language is also extremely beneficial as because if one does not come across as being authentic and caring - parents and children will pick up on that. 01:46:39 Tierra H.: Transportation 01:46:51 Chareka Harris: housing 01:46:56 Tamicka Taylor: Food Insecurity, Transportation, Access to healthcare 01:47:07 Sophie Miller: Transportation, housing, medical supports 01:47:07 Hope Bowers: To help deliver attendance information to families from someone other than the school. 01:47:08 Tonya Scott: food insecurities 01:47:09 Kim Perillo: Transportation, rewards, gas cards, groceries 01:47:12 Felice Gaddis, she/her: Transportation, housing, uniform accessibility, parenting skills 01:47:12 Jennifer Baudy: Rewards & incentives for positive attendance 01:47:19 Tonya Scott: mega churches 01:47:22 Tarsha Magee, DSW, LCSW-BACS: Incentives 01:47:25 Lorri Hobson: jobs for students and families 01:47:32 Dr.Dennis: Transportation, Food 01:47:39 Christine Kuehlewind: transportation, food, basic needs 01:47:42 Ms. Wilson: incentives and food insecurities 01:47:43 Dr.Dennis: Faith based partners 01:47:48 Cathy Fykes: Student posters promoting attendance posted in community places 01:47:50 Cathy W,: If you need to leave, please fill out the class evaluation: https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 01:48:08 Chareka Harris: Attendance Tik Toks 01:48:10 Dr.Dennis: Thanks to each of you too 01:48:16 cwaters: enlist stakeholders with the language barriers 01:49:13 Cathy W,: If you have time, please stay for the parking lot time! 01:49:23 Tarsha Magee, DSW, LCSW-BACS: Well 01:49:27 Hope Bowers: More capable 01:49:29 cwaters: empowered and inspired 01:49:37 Shannon H. Perry: more encouraged 01:49:42 Cathy Fykes: Open-minded and inspired 01:49:42 Felice Gaddis, she/her: Exhausted overall, but motivated to bring this information to my school 01:49:45 Kim Perillo: Armed with tools 01:49:46 Jennifer Baudy: Feeling well. Heard a few ideas that I am hoping to implement at my school. 01:49:54 Dr.Dennis: I feel good about the information I have gained. 01:50:31 Latasha Marshall: Thank you for the information and tools shared during this meeting. 01:50:41 Dr.Dennis: Nice job ladies. Thanks again 01:50:44 ghenderson: Thankful for Attendance works. 01:50:49 Jennifer Baudy: Thank you! 01:50:53 kzotti: Thanks! 01:50:53 Shannon H. Perry: Thank you for sharing all of your insights with us.