00:04:45 Cecelia Leong: When do all your staff come back, Danny? 00:04:54 Cathy W,: Good morning and welcome! We will start at the top of the hour at 9:00. 00:05:50 Cathy W,: Just in case it's needed, here are the call in numbers for this session Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)Meeting ID: 835 9789 1948Passcode: 925606Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbKvMwQPiN 00:07:10 Danny Rolleri: Officially as of right now, teachers come back on the first day of school. I hear there may be negotiation to try and have like 2 days of PD prior to that, but that is tentative 00:07:25 Cecelia Leong: Penny, welcome! 00:08:34 Danny Rolleri: I have my office staff back officially as of this past Monday, so that is good for planning items such as Attendance Plans 00:08:59 Cecelia Leong: That's great, Danny. Are you expanding / integrating your team this year? 00:09:03 Danny Rolleri: Morning Mary!! 00:09:22 Mary Cha: Good Morning Danny! 00:09:47 Danny Rolleri: Definitely more integration. I have new City Year folks and a clerk that I need to have more connected to this work. 00:10:56 Danny Rolleri: Greetings Aaron! Congrats on your new gig at JFK! 00:11:29 Danny Rolleri: Hola Onniel! 00:11:31 Cathy W,: Good morning and welcome! We will get start in about 5 minutes. 00:11:50 Cecelia Leong: Welcome, early birds! Feel free to chat with one another or us until we start. 00:12:39 Danny Rolleri: Hello Michelle, LFE in the house! 00:13:11 Cecelia Leong: Hi Onniel! 00:13:15 Cecelia Leong: Hi Sandra Laird! 00:13:21 Danny Rolleri: Good morning Sandra! 00:13:41 Danny Rolleri: Mr. Jones…how you doing? 00:13:47 sandra-laird: Good morning Cecilia! 00:14:01 Onniel-Sanchez: Hey Danny! 00:14:23 Michelle Blanton: Morning!!! : ) 00:14:35 Onniel-Sanchez: I'm on my desktop, so no camera nor microphone. 00:14:38 C J: @Rolleri; doing well 00:15:28 Cecelia Leong: Then warm up your fingers, Onniel! 00:24:03 a.Dishchyan: Araceli Dishchyan 00:24:06 Danny Rolleri: Danny Rolleri, Principal, Oak Ridge Elementary. 00:24:10 lmendonca: Lori Mendonca - Castle Rock Elementary, Learning Director- Woodlake Unified 00:24:16 Nick Simonton: Nick Simonton, Director of Operations and Communications, Ingenium Schools 00:24:18 Shannon McCarthy: Shannon Vista Nueva High School in Sacramento CA. I am inspired as a mom to provide the best educational opportunity for my kids as well as any kids I encounter. 00:24:18 Mayra A Tejeda: Mayra A Tejeda Dean of Attendance, Cox Academy EFC Public schools. 00:24:19 Patricia Franklin: Patricia Franklin (Administrative Manager) Clarion Charter Middle School 00:24:21 Darin Denney: Darin Denney, assistant principal. Akers Elementary, Central Union School District. 00:24:22 dstevenson: Debbie Stevenson, Learning Director, FJWhite Elementary School in Woodlake. My parents were my motivation! Always encouraging and showing me how important school was. 00:24:22 NICOLE BROGDON: Nicole Brogdon, School Counselor, FC Joyce School, TRUSD 00:24:24 Jessica Torres: Jessica Torres School Office Manager @ Will C Wood, SCUSD 00:24:32 Dr. Karen Bridges: Dr. Bridges, Assistant Principal/Site Instructional Coordinator, Pacific Elementary(SCUSD), Estella Bridges, my mother motivated me to learn because she always wanted to be a nurse but never had the chance. 00:24:33 Manuel Huezo: Manuel Huezo - Peter Burnett Elementary 00:24:36 sandra-laird: Sandra Laird - Student and Family Support with SCUSD. My older sister Judi who was a role model student. 00:24:37 Cynthia Lenners: Cynthia Lenners - Deputy Supt - Lake COE - coaches 00:24:37 Windy Alejo: Windy Alejo - Attendance Tech at Will C Wood-SCUSD 00:24:45 Onniel-Sanchez: Onniel Sanchez, Supervisor in Attendance, Sac City Unified. 00:24:48 Elizabeth Alvarado: Beth Alvarado, Assistant Principal, Central Union Elementary School 00:24:49 Joseph Pickar: Joseph Pickar - CWAS at SCUSD 00:24:50 Eracleo Guevara: Eracleo Guevara, Principal, Cesar Chavez Intermediate, SCUSD 00:24:51 Yazmin.Arredondo: Yazmin Arredondo Office clerk 00:24:53 Danny Rolleri: Dr. Hollie inspired me to attend and learn. He blew my mind with knowledge and practice on CRTL 00:24:57 C J: CJ, Principal Rosa Parks, SCUSD, my parents inspired me to attend and learn sometimes with the belt and sometimes with their encouraging words 00:25:02 Brittany Gately: Brittany Gately- Assistant Principal RJ Neutra Elementary, Central Union School District; My mother who was an educator for 39 years. 00:25:08 Felicia Thomas-Hill: Felicia - Father Keith B. Kenny (SCUSD) - Assistant Principal - Family 00:25:11 Onniel-Sanchez: My mother inspired me (she kind of had to since she was a teacher lol) 00:25:15 pennymiller: Hi! Penny Miller here, I am Assistant Principal at Stratford Elementary School in the Central Valley. My freshman English teacher inspired me to attend school. 00:25:26 Gail Johnson: Gail Johnson-Fr. Keith B. Kenny-Family 00:25:28 Eva Loredo: Eva Loredo/Attendance Tech/Rosa Parks K-8 at SCUSD/my ELL teacher through my K-6 years who made me feel comfortable as an english learner at my school and made me want to come to school regularly! 00:25:36 Aaron Pecho (he/him/his) - John F. Kennedy HS: Aaron Pecho, Assistant Principal, John F. Kennedy High School. I really appreciated my calculus teacher - she met me where I was at and made me feel seen. 00:25:39 NICOLE BROGDON: My grandmother instilled in me a love of reading and learning. 00:25:52 Faye Sharpe: Faye Sharpe - MLK K-8 Principal; Dad who was illiterate 00:26:00 Monica Lopez-Larios-CWAS: Monica Lopez-Larios, Child Welfare and Attendance Specialist- Sacramento City Unified School District. My mom was and is my inspiration to learn. She always says" Education is the way to get where you want to go." 00:26:02 a.Dishchyan: Araceli Dishchyan,Administrative Manager. Ingenium Charter Middle school, the person that Inspired me was my 4th Grade teacher Mrs Llera- My father was single Parent. 00:26:18 Mayra A Tejeda: My parents inspired me and myself being a parent is an inspiration to continue learning and staying informed. Also being involved with FIA is an inspiration 00:26:20 lily liemthongsamout, AP: Lily Liemthongsamout-AP @ Hiram Johnson High School 00:26:23 American Legion HS Charles Rosemeyer: Charles Rosemeyer, Assistant Principal at American Legion High School for SCUSD. Ms. Vierling, my 9th grade English Teacher who encouraged me to learn. She loaned me many books! 00:26:34 Michelle Blanton: Michelle Blanton, Principal @ Leataata Floyd Elementary in Sacramento. My grandmother inspired me to do my best. 00:26:52 Arleta Albarran: Arleta, Principal, Ingenium Schools, Ms. Wysong-elementary school teacher, inspired me to always keep going and taught every day of the year up to the last day of school as if the school year was not over 00:27:03 Ms. Jackson BOCS: Hunger inspired me to attend school daily. So I thought since I am her I should learn. then Learning became exciting to me. 00:27:37 Tara Lampkins: Tara, Principal Pacific Elementary (SCUSD), My mother and grandparents who did without and managed with little but provided 00:27:53 Hedy Chang: These are such rich examples even if we were not able to speak to every one of them. Feel free to scroll through the chat to see them! 00:28:11 Jennifer Kretschman: Jennifer Kretschman, Director MTSS, SCUSD... my mimi was the most inspirational person in my life... 00:28:38 Patricia Franklin: My mother’s tenacity and hunger for education drove me to have those same traits and want to attend school to my fullest potential 00:29:36 Mary Cha: Mary Cha, Assistant Principal - Will C. Wood Middle School, Sacramento City Unified - My parents encouraged and motivated me to do my best in order to have a brighter future. 00:30:54 Roxana Albarran: Roxana Albarran( ICMS) - My mom has been my motivation to always strive for more and to always stay focused on my goals. 00:44:22 Hedy Chang: I need to sign off to present to colleagues in Washington state but so appreciate the chance to join you for the opening of this e-learning session! Thank you all for being here and your commitment to helping all our kids succeed. 00:44:33 Cecelia Leong: Thanks Hedy! 00:45:00 Monica Lopez-Larios-CWAS: It's about connections 00:45:01 sandra-laird: Strong connections between teachers and students. 00:45:05 Cynthia Lenners: Relationships matter 00:45:05 Brittany Gately: The teachers worked to build relationships with their students. 00:45:09 Felicia Thomas-Hill: Creation of welcoming and loving environment. 00:45:15 Jessica Torres: relationships are essential 00:45:15 sandra-laird: Students felt safe. 00:45:19 Mayra A Tejeda: Relationship and connections matter 00:45:23 American Legion HS Charles Rosemeyer: Relationships are everything! 00:45:31 Tara Lampkins: connections, interest in students, 00:45:31 Darin Denney: Having those positive relationships, and genuinely caring about the students 00:45:32 Amaya Weiss: When children feel welcomed and that their voices matter they will come to school. 00:45:32 Dr. Karen Bridges,Pacific Elementary-AP/SIC: Real connections between teachers and students, positive vibrations 00:45:34 pennymiller: Students felt like they mattered. They had positive relationships with the adults at school. 00:45:38 Mary Cha: Relationships and student voice 00:45:40 Elizabeth Alvarado: Students feel valued. 00:45:42 Tara Lampkins: student voice valued 00:45:56 Danny Rolleri: It affirmed how powerful the right mindset is to make change. Even if effective practices are in place, if adults don’t truly don’t think how to be transformational within themselves, then the authentic relationships won’t exist 00:49:09 Danny Rolleri: authentic relationships 00:49:23 Cynthia Lenners: Access to Tech!! 00:49:34 Darin Denney: Positive relationships, 00:49:37 Monica Lopez-Larios-CWAS: support for families to facilitate learning at home 00:49:38 ICMS: Roxana Albarran: Support for families to facilitate learning at home 00:49:38 Shannon McCarthy: Schedule 00:49:40 lmendonca: daily communications with parents/students 00:49:40 Gail Johnson: Relationships 00:49:41 Dr. Karen Bridges,Pacific Elementary-AP/SIC: Phone calls to families 00:49:51 Tara Lampkins: relationships, translation services 00:49:54 Jessica Torres: Relationships showing you care and are concerned about our children 00:49:55 Reginald Brown: Home visits to support tech 00:49:57 Andrea Torres: relationships 00:50:01 Manuel Huezo: Regular home visits 00:50:09 Danny Rolleri: support for families for any needs (food, shelter, clothes, etc) 00:50:11 Dr. Karen Bridges,Pacific Elementary-AP/SIC: Providing one to one support 00:50:14 Felicia Thomas-Hill: Support for families to facilitate learning at home - Parents understanding technology; especially for younger students - Technological literacy for parents 00:50:18 Mayra A Tejeda: Active engagement of families in planning and Access to tech equipment and connectivity 00:50:19 Tara Lampkins: we will receive the slides, correct? 00:50:20 Amaya Weiss: Home visits to check in 00:50:25 Denna Camacho: support for the families that are not tech savy, 00:50:49 lmendonca: we provided free internet for all students 00:51:05 Ms. Jackson BOCS: When kids feel welcomed & safe as well as having someone to talk to they feel more confident in coming to school. 00:51:08 Brittany Gately: Providing multiple ways for teachers to connect with students and support parents. Be flexible in your communication strategies. 00:51:28 Tara Lampkins: continued relationships, solid rountines 00:51:47 Monica Lopez-Larios-CWAS: Welcoming, safe,trauma-informed school climate. 00:51:48 lmendonca: continued communication with families, students and parents 00:51:49 Aaron Pecho (he/him/his) - John F. Kennedy HS: Access to tech…still…:) 00:51:57 NICOLE BROGDON: positive school climate 00:51:59 Danny Rolleri: Relational focused re-opening 00:52:00 Dr. Karen Bridges,Pacific Elementary-AP/SIC: Providing wellness, continued communications and re-establishing relationships 00:52:02 Darin Denney: Routines, rituals, and celebrations; Welcoming, safe climate 00:52:05 Eva Loredo: physically healthy learning environments, routines, positive relationships 00:52:06 pennymiller: Consistently checking in with families. 00:52:24 Felicia Thomas-Hill: Active Engagement with students and families and continue to support families as they return to school and establish routines 00:52:25 Ms. Jackson BOCS: Communications with families 00:59:09 Cathy W,: Use this handout link for your breakout group https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/School-Climate-Elements-rev-7-10-21.pdf 01:13:34 Cynthia Lenners: Safety is on everyone's mind, but building relationships is important!! 01:13:44 sandra-laird: Ensuring that parents understand that they take health safety seriously. 01:14:02 Felicia Thomas-Hill: The key component is relationships. All other areas fall under establishing relationships. 01:14:05 pennymiller: District wide we are focusing on student engagement and relationships. 01:14:11 Shannon McCarthy: We talked a lot about relationships. 01:14:29 Brittany Gately: We discussed the focus of building relationships. 01:15:44 Africa Williams: We discussed the importance of high structure, consistency, and everyone aware of the structure (communication) 01:17:24 sandra-laird: Love it! 01:17:46 Aaron Pecho (he/him/his) - John F. Kennedy HS: Can you please post the link to the resource in the chat? 01:19:03 Cathy W,: Link for the SEAT climate tool: https://www.attendanceworks.org/resources/scan-environment-attendance/ 01:20:09 Cathy W,: We'll send out the links for the recording, slides + resources after today's session! 01:22:54 Tara Lampkins: thank you for sharing discrimination/ racism as an indicator of attendance or lack thereof 01:24:11 Cecelia Leong: I love PTHV's new toolkit too! 01:25:17 NICOLE BROGDON: Parents have more of a voice and choice. 01:25:21 Denna Camacho: parents/guardians involvement 01:25:26 Eva Loredo: parent-led activities 01:25:28 Mary Cha: Parents as partners 01:25:32 Denna Camacho: communication 01:25:33 pennymiller: Parent involvement 01:25:33 Aaron Pecho (he/him/his) - John F. Kennedy HS: Parents are partners 01:25:36 Monica Lopez-Larios-CWAS: Parent involvement 01:25:41 Brittany Gately: Parents are deeply involved in school activities and functions. 01:25:47 Africa Williams: More collaborative 01:25:50 Mayra A Tejeda: Parent enrollment is crucial 01:25:55 Darrin Greer -TRUSD: Activities where parent interacts with other parents or students are impactrful 01:27:15 Africa Williams: Welcome orientation 01:27:25 Daniel Hernandez: Kids love to see their kids participate in sports, performances 01:27:27 Eva Loredo: positive phone calls home, positive letters home 01:27:36 Brittany Gately: movie nights 01:27:36 Darrin Greer -TRUSD: positive office climate 01:27:46 Dr. Karen Bridges,Pacific Elementary-AP/SIC: Home visits and positive phone calls 01:27:47 Darin Denney: Admin greeting parents and students EVERY morning before school 01:28:05 NICOLE BROGDON: Outreach calls, family events, visibility on campus 01:28:20 Tara Lampkins: a simple smile 01:28:29 Felicia Thomas-Hill: Informal meeting with parents - Breakfast drop in - Coffee with the Admin Team 01:30:03 Jessica Torres: Will we get a copy of the links to these resources? 01:31:32 Cathy W,: @Jessica: yes, we'll send out resource links with the recording + slides! 01:31:55 Ms. Jackson BOCS: 1st month 01:32:02 Africa Williams: Jan 01:32:53 Shannon McCarthy: not at all unfortunately 01:32:55 pennymiller: Not at all 01:32:58 Brittany Gately: not at all 01:33:02 Ms. Jackson BOCS: very Familiar at my site 01:33:07 Jessica Torres: very familiar at our site 01:33:21 Dr. Karen Bridges,Pacific Elementary-AP/SIC: Some familiar, some very familiar 01:33:22 Ms. Jackson BOCS: it is apart of our monthly PD'S 01:33:22 lmendonca: we share it but I'm not sure they really internalize it. 01:33:29 ICMS: Roxana Albarran: Very familiar. 01:33:37 Brittany Gately: not at all 01:33:43 a.Dishchyan: Not at all 01:33:44 Dr. Karen Bridges,Pacific Elementary-AP/SIC: Not at all 01:33:44 Onniel-Sanchez: Not at all 01:33:49 Jessica Torres: not at all 01:34:29 Ms. Jackson BOCS: Very Familiar we share it in our parent orientation and when your child is absent for more than 2 days in 1 week. 01:36:40 Tara Lampkins: consider farsi/ pashto 01:42:56 Cathy W,: Evaluation link: https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 01:43:33 Cynthia Lenners: Will we receive the recording and ppt from Cathy? This was a great opportunity to think and rethink about the work we are getting ready for!! 01:44:08 Dr. Karen Bridges,Pacific Elementary-AP/SIC: Thank You!! Have a great day. 01:44:21 Mary Cha: Thank you! 01:44:22 a.Dishchyan: Thank you! 01:44:22 ICMS: Roxana Albarran: Thank you ! 01:44:24 sandra-laird: Thank you!