01:03:28 Dena Anderson/ Rachel Muth: Rachel Muth, Dena Anderson, and Chase Bennnett from Horizonn High School, PVUSD 01:03:42 Gisela Ariza: Welcome everyone! 01:03:58 Le Anne McCall: Good morning! This is LeAnne McCall from Gila Ridge HS in Yuma, AZ 01:04:10 lwatson: Lisa Watson principal at PPEP TEC High School in Tucson AZ 01:04:16 David Reynoso: David Reynoso Gila Ridge High School, Yuma, AZ! 01:04:25 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Rachel Muth, Dena An..." with πŸ‘ 01:04:29 ALBA MAZARIEGOS: Alba Mazariegos, Gila Ride High School, Yuma AZ 01:04:33 Helen Duffy: Good morning and welcome everyone! 01:04:37 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Good morning! This i..." with πŸ‘ 01:04:48 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Lisa Watson principa..." with πŸ‘ 01:04:55 Susan Fry: Reacted to "David Reynoso Gila R..." with πŸ‘ 01:06:37 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Alba Mazariegos, Gil..." with πŸ‘ 01:08:50 Alex Deitering: Alex Deitering Show Low Junior High, Show Low, Az 01:08:50 Lee Perrello: Lee Perrello, Horizon High School, PVUSD. My parents wouldn't hear of me not attending school. 01:08:55 Le Anne McCall: My mom! There wasn't a choice to not go to school! 01:09:01 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Lee Perrello, Horizo..." with πŸ‘ 01:09:12 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Alex Deitering Show ..." with πŸ‘ 01:09:22 Alex Deitering: My parents 01:09:26 ALBA MAZARIEGOS: Sports! 01:09:36 MBurns: Mike Burns, PPEP Tec Mentor Coach, Parents motivated me. 01:09:41 Dena Anderson/ Rachel Muth: Rachel Muth, schoool nurse, Denna Anderson, Deann; Chase Bennnette, Lead Counselor. 01:09:48 lwatson: Lisa Watson, PPEP TEC High School - my parents emphasized the importance of education and they built partnerships with the teachers. I loved writing so I was involved in the school newspaper. 01:09:52 Amy Carlyle: Amy Carlyle, Career Development Inc, Taylor, AZ 01:10:06 Dena Anderson/ Rachel Muth: We all agree - there wasn't a choice. We had to attennd 01:15:08 Gisela Ariza: 2021-22 Chronic Absence Tool: https://edu-dsi.shinyapps.io/chronic_absence/ 01:16:32 Alba Mazariegos: Yuma Union 71% 01:16:35 David Reynoso: 71.5 01:16:40 Alex Deitering: Show Low 35.3 01:17:01 Alex Deitering: It is not surprising. I thought it was going to be worse. 01:17:05 Amy Carlyle: 46.7% 01:17:13 Dena Anderson/ Rachel Muth: Paradise Valley Unified: 24.7% 01:17:56 lwatson: I am part of a charter school system. I don't see our data. 01:17:57 Lee Perrello: PVUSD 24.7% 01:20:00 Lori Masseur: @lwatson what charter school are you with? 01:20:31 lwatson: PPEP TEC Portable Practical Educational Preparation 01:20:45 Gisela Ariza: Data Highlights for Arizona: https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/ARIZONA-Chronic-Absence-2021-22-rev.zip 01:21:05 Mary Ellen Lee: I am with LEAD Charter Schools and Leading edge Academy Maricopa and LEading Edge Academy Queen creek if you have those numbers as well. (All charter schools) 01:26:06 Cathy W: ❓Post your questions or comments in chat or use the "raised hand" emoji. 01:33:00 Mary Ellen Lee: I like that it shows parents where to review the absences. Our letters print the absences on automtatically, so parents don't have to look it up, but connecting parents back to the parent portal if you can't show them the dates is good! 01:33:03 lwatson: I like the notification for parents when a child is absent; however, it is wordy and the "Board Policy" is too overpowering. 01:33:28 Mary Ellen Lee: I also think it is VERY wordy. 01:33:34 Alba Mazariegos: Reacted to "I like that it shows..." with ❀️ 01:34:27 Le Anne McCall: Like: transparent to the law, school expectations. Explains why school attendance is important and gives the poliy (helps to remove picking on my kid) and connection to school systems. Change/add: no need to contact us; keeps it limited to a one sided conversation and we want to have two way communication 01:34:51 Helen Duffy: LeAnne, I agree. It's one-way. 01:35:11 Helen Duffy: Who do I call? 01:36:59 Helen Duffy: Remember, 10% in the first month of school is missing two days. 01:37:08 Lori Masseur: Reacted to "Remember, 10% in the..." with πŸ‘πŸ½ 01:39:35 lwatson: Can students send other students notes like this? It's not a privacy violation? 01:41:34 Helen Duffy: That aligns with what brought me to school (theater) 01:41:59 Helen Duffy: And Alba talked about soccer 01:42:07 Lori Masseur: Reacted to "And Alba talked abou..." with ❀️ 01:42:10 Lori Masseur: Reacted to "That aligns with wha..." with ❀️ 01:44:18 Helen Duffy: You could build ECAP reflections into restorative circles. What are your goals/plans for your future? How do you hope to get there? 01:44:32 Gisela Ariza: Replying to "Can students send ot..." I would refer you to your district’s policy on that, but I’ve seen teachers to do this in their classrooms. If students can send each other messages on applications, it reminds students they are cared for and that they are missed in class. 01:49:28 Helen Duffy: Some people get confused about the difference between positive conditions for learning and tier 1. Positive conditions are about overall school climate. Tier 1 are universal interventions specific to attendance 01:51:16 Cathy W: Padlet links for breakout groups https://docs.google.com/document/d/11rboD2EMTMEsLBo-uNwvcDglyYtAN2Z-4UX1WLc2nfM/edit?usp=sharing 02:08:01 Cathy Wolfenden: Open the main board to see everyone's posts https://padlet.com/attendanceworks/az-secondary-what-creates-a-sense-of-belonging-connection-an-469h9tas7cxa5vzo 02:08:44 Le Anne McCall: Primo Parking Spot! Gonna use this one 02:09:24 Alba Mazariegos: raffling prom tickets and yearbooks 02:09:43 Helen Duffy: Recent research regarding the positive effect of home visits. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aACHZotquW8qdqv7aKFkNA4RUkdeSCIoxQlSbTioCCU/edit 02:10:28 MBurns: How are you all doing with staff buy-in? 02:10:55 Le Anne McCall: Helen it says we need access to your home visit document 02:12:17 Le Anne McCall: Same conversations we have had as well! What are you doing as a teacher to make that kid want to come to school? 02:12:38 Helen Duffy: Replying to "Helen it says we nee..." I gave you permission 02:12:42 Helen Duffy: Replying to "Helen it says we nee..." :) 02:12:56 lwatson: Replying to "Helen it says we nee..." Thank you! 02:16:07 Helen Duffy: I think there are instructional practices that can be really engaging for older students that build relevance into the academic content. Things like problem-based learning, community service that connects to academic content -- that help student see relevance. 02:18:19 Helen Duffy: Team teaching is another strategy that can help connect across academic disciplines. You all have ECAPS too -- individual learning plans. When implemented thoughtfully, can help students see that school isn't something that just washes over them... 02:22:09 Mary Ellen Lee: What would be an example of an actionable step to improve attendance? 02:23:00 Mary Ellen Lee: I love the help bank!! Thanks! 02:24:48 Gisela Ariza: Attendance Works website: http://www.attendanceworks.org/ 02:27:43 Gisela Ariza: Attendance Awareness Campaign: http://www.awareness.attendanceworks.org/ 02:28:05 Cathy W: Let us know know we did today with this quick survey https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 02:31:42 Alex Deitering: Thank you! 02:31:48 Le Anne McCall: TY!