00:07:50 Stephanie Osgoodby: Stephanie Osgoodby, Department of Education, NJ 00:08:06 kay warfield: Kay Atchison Warfield and Shenitra Dees 00:08:06 Fata Karva | Data Quality Campaign: Hi Everyone! I'm Fata checking in with the Data Quality Campaign based here in Washington, DC. 00:08:11 kay warfield: ALSDE 00:08:31 kay warfield: Alabama 00:08:52 Susan Lieberman: Hi All, Susan Lieberman, Count ME In in Maine 00:09:09 kay warfield: Alabama's info is coming I promise! 00:09:43 Deborah.Chavez: Hi Everyone! Deborah Chavez, NMPED, Safe and Healthy Schools Bureau 00:10:35 Christina Weeter (she/her) - KY: Christina Weeter, KY Dept of Ed 00:11:02 SC-Aveene Coleman: Hi everyone! 00:16:10 Hedy Chang: Please share your name, organization and state if you have not had a chance already! Welcome to those who were just able to join us. 00:18:09 Cathy Wolfenden, AW: I'll send out the deck after today's meeting (just can't do it while I'm screen sharing). This includes all of Emma's data slides. 00:19:43 Hedy Chang: And, I do want to re-emphasize this data was collected in November -- prior to omicron 00:30:21 Sarah Peterson: Thanks for sharing the slides, Cathy! 00:37:31 Emma Dorn - McKinsey: Ironically I like broccoli more than ice-cream! 00:39:17 Sue Fothergill, Attendance Works: alarming 00:41:25 Hedy Chang: If you haven't had a chance to introduce yourself, please share your name and organization. 00:41:43 Winnie Tjioe: Winnie Tjioe- with NYC Department of Education 00:41:47 Sarah Peterson: Sarah Peterson, senior director of attendance, research and innovation, NYCDOE 00:42:32 Catherine Van Ness: Catherine Van Ness - National Governors Association 00:53:05 Hedy Chang: In a few minutes, we'd like to ask states to share where they are with planning for summer learning. What ideas are they discussing? What kind of resources are being allocated? How are they shifting to summer learning -- and going beyond the traditional summer school. 00:54:49 Dr. Patricia Graczyk/University of Illinois-Chicago: I'm excited to learn more about the NSLA. Brodrick, thank you for sharing! I will be checking out the NSLA website for more information on this important topic. 00:57:29 Hedy Chang: I see you Angie 00:57:45 Emma Dorn - McKinsey: Switching to phone as I head to the airport! 00:57:59 Hedy Chang: Thanks Emma 01:02:21 Susan Lieberman: Thank you for the presentations today. I apologize but I have to leave early 01:11:17 Dr. Patricia Graczyk/University of Illinois-Chicago: By income do you think states are disaggregating according to FRL eligibility status? 01:11:27 Dr. Patricia Graczyk/University of Illinois-Chicago: Thanks. 01:23:38 Cathy Wolfenden: Meeting evaluation https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/cklwj8q71w9w707306xnps5vv 01:24:28 Catherine Cooney: Sign up for the 2022 Attendance Awareness Campaign here: https://awareness.attendanceworks.org/contact/aam-updates/ 01:24:47 Dr. Patricia Graczyk/University of Illinois-Chicago: Thank you. Very helpful, as always!🙂