00:12:26 Elizabeth Bacon: Elizabeth Bacon, Community Program Coordinator 00:12:46 Sue Fothergill: Hi! I'm Sue Fothergill, Director of Strategic Programming at Attendance Works and I live in Baltimore City. A great partner for engaging families in Baltimore are our Community School Coordinators and their implementation organizations such as the YMCA and Child First Authority. 00:13:02 Brandy Daley: Brandy Daley PAT Educator in Carroll County. 00:13:03 Amy Lauer: Amy Lauer, PreSchool/PreK ITL/HCPSS 00:13:25 Theresa Kinne: Theresa Kinne Special Educator Preschool-3 Howard County-Waverley Elem 00:13:32 Michael Maginnis: Michael Maginnis, Students Success and Parent Support Liaison, Washington County, MD. A great partner so far for me has been Special Education Case Managers. 00:13:46 Tessera Slade: Tessera Slade; Judy Center Coordinator; Baltimore City 00:13:50 Sue Fothergill: Welcome! We'll be getting started at 1 pm. Great to see folks from all of the state joining us. 00:13:55 Donna Dayhoff: Donna Dayhoff, Judy Center Family Services Coordinator at Bester Elementary, Washington Co. 00:14:10 Wendy Binkley: Wendy Binkley, Judy Center Specialist, St. Mary's County Public Schools. Two of our great partners for engaging families are the Infants and Toddlers program and Healthy Families Southern Maryland. 00:14:12 Elizabeth Bacon: Elizabeth Bacon, Community Program Coordinator Wicomico, Prince Street School 00:14:12 Amira Westenburger: Amira Westenburger Family Service Coordinator Judy Center Belle Grove ES Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Our key partner is the Brooklyn Park Library. 00:14:25 Sue Fothergill: The library is a great partner! 00:14:44 Cathy Wolfenden: Welcome! Please introduce yourself in chat. I'm Cathy Wolfenden @ Attendance Works. 00:15:12 Karen Karten: Karen Karten Somerset County Public Schools. 00:15:14 Michele Stewart: Michele Stewart-Judy Center @ Bester Elementary - Family Service Provider. Washington Co. Public School We partner with the HUB at USMH, Healthy Families, Discovery Station 00:15:20 Kelly Longerbeam: Kelly Longerbeam, Coordinator for Early Learning, Washington County Publics Schools 00:15:41 Amy Lauer: Amy Howard county 00:15:42 Tynice DeShields: Tynice Deshields, Family Service Coordinator Somerset Judy Center Princess Anne Elementary School 00:15:43 Kelly Longerbeam: Gina Hoover, Early Learning Lead Teacher, Washington County Public Schools 00:16:01 Amanda Holliday: Hello! Amanda from MSDE Judy Center 00:16:08 Danielle Boggs: Danielle Boggs Wicomico County Home School Liaison 00:16:14 Kelly Longerbeam: ECAC, Judy Center, OnTrack, Hub, Discovery Station 00:16:57 Jennifer Brosh: Jennifer Brosh, Harford County, Title 1 EC Teacher Specialist 00:17:19 Emma Pinkett: Emma Pinkett, Dorchester County Judy Center at Sandy Hill 00:19:01 Caitlyn Holley: Caitlyn Holley- Director in Baltimore County 00:19:16 Kerrie Walzer: Kerrie Walzer SMCPS Judy Center St. Mary's county 00:38:11 Kelly Longerbeam: Some are keeping home because of sickness 00:38:18 Caitlyn Holley: Fear of illness. 00:38:20 Michael Maginnis: I have heard people express fear at outbreaks within their student's class. 00:38:24 Doreen Cavazzini: yes, fear of illness 00:38:32 Jennifer Brosh: Variety of reasons. 00:38:33 Donna Dayhoff: Our community has a lot of walkers so if the weather is bad they don’t come. 00:38:35 Caitlyn Holley: Parents are working from home certain days 00:38:46 Doreen Cavazzini: car trouble 00:38:51 Amy Lauer: Children haven’t been out of the home in the last year, now they’re catching ‘all the germs’. 00:38:53 Jennifer Brosh: Early dismissal days typically have poor attendance 00:38:56 Judy Center: COVID cases are high in our community 00:49:43 Sue Fothergill: What a great way to open it up to other family members! 01:00:39 Doreen Cavazzini: Sorry. I need to leave to help with dismissal. Thank you! 01:02:23 Amy Lauer: no 01:02:24 Michele Stewart: no 01:02:24 Brandy Daley: no 01:12:41 Cathy Wolfenden: Please help with the research study by taking the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/msde-nov10 01:15:56 Cathy Wolfenden: We'll send a link to the recording and materials afterwards. Please take the survey! Thank you for coming! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/msde-nov10 01:16:00 Kelly Longerbeam: Thank you! 01:16:02 Brandy Daley: Thank you