00:12:31 Adrienne Sesay: Good afternoon Everyone! So glad you could join us today!🙂 00:12:57 Cathy Wolfenden: Here are the call in numbers just in case: Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)Meeting ID: 829 9399 1358Passcode: 075197Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kvWJLj54Q 00:16:10 Natalie and Annie: i am unable to hear anyone 00:16:38 Sue Fothergill, Attendance Works: Natalie can you try to call in using the dial in number. 00:24:05 Joy Toms: Joy Toms - Graduation Coach 00:24:15 joshuablack: Joshua Black 00:24:19 Michael Anderson: Michael Anderson - Assistant Principal 00:24:20 Christine Hedderick: Dr. Christine Hedderick 00:24:27 Kristina Christiansen: Kristie Christiansen- Dean of students 00:24:31 Laura Feffer (she/her): Laura Feffer - AP/Truancy officer Allegan, Michigan. My parents. 00:24:32 Anthony: Anthony Lopez-Student engagement liaison 00:24:33 bcupp: Brandi Cupp, Principal 00:24:33 Ryan: Ryan Alexander- Student Engagement Liaison 00:24:33 Michael Anderson: Michael Anderson - Assistant Principal 00:24:34 Patricia : Patricia, School Liaison for Gresham-Barlow School District in Oregon. 00:24:36 Ariel Pelletier: Ariel Pelletier- School Social Worker 00:24:36 Kelsey Lamanna: Kelsey Lamanna Southern Alamance ABSS - Graduation coach - athletics 00:24:37 CISPAC: Julianna Sehy, Assistant Program Director, Communities in Schools of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County 00:24:39 Megan Trumm: Megan Mullins- Student Attendance Specialist, Insight School of Indiana (K12 virtual schools) 00:24:39 America Navarro: America Navarro- School Secretary 00:24:40 Gregory Fowler: Greg Fowler, Superintendent, Ms. Ingram, favorite teacher 00:24:41 Joy Toms: Alamance Burlington Schools - I was very motivated as an individual 00:24:42 Alayna Shaw (she/her): Alayna Shaw (She/her) Program Manager at Colorado Youth for a Change 00:24:43 Ivan Ceja: Ivan Ceja - Student Engagement Liaison 00:24:44 Martha Keen (she/her): Martha Keen, HS Assistant Principal, Wyoming City Schools 00:24:44 Profe Carmon: Toni Carmon, Graduation Coach, Graham HS, NC; parents 00:24:45 Destiny Ayala: Destiny Ayala, school social worker, Hartford 00:24:45 Nicole Simpson: Nicole Simpson, K8 STEM Coordinator at Warren Township 00:24:47 Nick Esposito: Hey everyone! Nick Esposito- Special Education ELA. I had some really excellent core teachers 00:24:48 Gretchen Belanger: Gretchen Belanger, principal - NSCSD - Parents 00:24:53 Amanda LoStimolo: Amanda LoStimolo, McDonough Middle School HPS, my parents 00:24:55 Valerie White SLA AP: Valerie White, Southwest Leadership Academy, Director of SPED/Compliance Officer, parents and 4th grade teacher 00:24:57 Shane Stevens: Shane Stevens, Wellston High School Principal. My parents provided me the motivation. 00:24:59 Bo Jordan: Bo Jordan-Graduation Coach, Alamance Burlington School System, My parents 00:25:00 Shaneia Saeteurn: Shaneia Saeteurn Student Advocate 00:25:00 drohler: Danicia- Attendance Clerk for Online Middle and High School with Kingman Unified School District and also Interventionist and tutor :) 00:25:00 bcupp: Parent/grandparents encouraged attendance. 00:25:02 Ann Lorenzini: Ann Lorenzini 00:25:02 Chas Criss: Chas Criss, Hugh M. Cummings ABSS, Graduation Coach, My parents and Sports 00:25:03 Eric Calabrese: Eric Calabrese, Instructional Dean, Gray Middle School, Lake County Schools. My momma! 00:25:04 Christina Smith: Christina Smith, SSC Coordinator with Fremont County School District 25, Riverton, WY. My Aunt motivated me to attend school and finish high school. 00:25:06 Mrs. Cortez: Stephanie Gomez-Cortez-Assistant Principal, SMCA in Bright Star Schools, Los Angeles, CA, motivated by my parents and self 00:25:07 Jessica Daniels: Jessica Daniels, program navigator, my mom 00:25:08 Ashley Jackson: Ashley Jackson Student Engagement Specialist McDonough Middle School - HPS - my parents 00:25:08 Nicole Wood: Nicole Wood-Independence High School, USD 446-Communities in schools site coordinator. My teachers 00:25:09 Kristina Christiansen: Parents and my athletic coaches 00:25:10 Paul-Michael Dalton: Paul-Michael Dalton - Child Welfare and Attendance - Pasadena Unified, CA - My parents, both were teachers and set the expectation 00:25:12 Ira Rounsaville: Ira Rounsaville - School Social Worker - Saugus High School, Wm Hart School District, Santa Clarita, CA 00:25:14 Tamara Smith: Tamara Smith, Williams High School, ABSS, myself and my parents 00:25:17 Jeanine Aguilar, PXU: Jeanine Aguilar, Student Services Manager, Phoenix Union High School District, 00:25:17 Jessica Kuhn: Jessica Kuhn, Asst. Principal at Ottawa Township High School, IL 00:25:18 Keevan Matsumoto: Keevan Matsumoto, Student Services Coordinator, Kaimuki High School, Hawaii Department of Education 00:25:20 Dawn Joella Jackson- GBSD- she/ella: Dawn Joella Jackson- Director of Engagement and Inclusion- Gresham-Barlow. My parents taught me to love learning and my teachers. 00:25:20 Roberta Lang-Setoki: Roberta Lang-Setoki, Kaimuki High School, Honolulu District; for my future 00:25:27 Jamie Felton: Jamie Felton and Isabel Tarin, Re-Engagement Specialists at Loveland High School in the Thompson School District. Jamie's dad was a teacher, so school was always important and fun. Isabel wanted to learn more and more every day and be able to achieve a career and get the most education possible. 00:25:28 Missy Frana: My name is Missy Frana and I am a principal at Gray Middle School in Groveland, FL. I was motivated to attend school because I loved learning and I have constantly looked to please my "bosses" 00:25:29 Kathryn Crowell: Katie Crowell - Re-Engagement Specialist- Thompson Valley High School. Attending today to learn how to better encourage students to truly begin to re-engage with their school 00:25:30 Lisa Lyons: Lisa Lyons, St. Paul Public Schools, School Social Worker & Coordinator of the Secondary School Attendance Matters Program (SAM). Attending school or not wasn’t a choice nor did I ever think it was an option 00:25:31 America Navarro: America Navarro School Secretary, Nelson Avenue Middle School, Thermalito Union Elementary School District, my parents 00:25:32 Marcus Williams : Marcus Williams- Student Engagement Gordon Russell MS. My mom! 00:25:36 Joshua Davis: Joshua Davis-Dean of students. Sports helped motivate me 00:25:37 Ginger Paul: Ginger Paul Administrative Secretary/Registrar Thermalito Union School District. Parents/Grandparents. 00:25:42 Ricks-MallardN: Nikki Ricks-Mallard, Potential Specialist at Gray Middle School, Lake County Schools, FL. My MOTHER! 00:25:43 Ann Lorenzini: Ann Lorenzini, house principal, North Syracuse - parents and friends 00:25:50 Nekeba Phillips: Nekeba Phillips - Attendance, Social Intervention- CREC-Academy of Science and Innovation;my third grade teacher 00:25:50 drohler: Friends and great teachers helped motivate me to go to school continuously 00:25:50 Lauri-Ann Loreto Neal: Lauri-Ann Loreto Neal Vice Principal, parents 00:25:51 Sarah Kufleitner: Sarah Kufleitner, Attendance Interventionist. Lee Williams High School, KUSD (Kingman Unified School District). My mom was a my main motivator. 00:25:56 Laura Butgereit: Laura Butgereit, Coordinator for School Counseling, CCR and Family Engagement MSD Warren Township Indianapolis I loved school and my friends and parent expectation 00:25:57 Michael Anderson: Michael Anderson - Assistant Principal Wyoming Middle school, Wyoming City Schools, my parents motivated my to attend school every day. 00:25:58 Carla Gay (she/her): Carla Gay, Executive Director, Innovation & Partnerships; Gresham-Barlow School District, my parents! 00:25:59 Colin Greenman: Colin Greenman - Student engagement facilitator RHS 00:26:11 Craig Musser: Craig Musser, Carl Hayden High School, Phoenix AZ. Senior English and Attendance Committee Chair. Motivation wasn't really needed as we did not have the option of not going to school in my family. Unless Mom knew we were legitimately sick, we were there! 00:26:12 Mariana: Good morning, I’m Mariana! I’m a Spanish community liaison at EGES, HCES and DMMS. I work for Gresham Barlow School District. 00:26:26 Kailyn Polzella: Kailyn Polzella-Intervention Specialist-McDonough Middle School Hartford CT 00:26:36 Mariana: My parents motivated me to be at school everyday! 00:26:37 Christine Hedderick: Hedderick, Wellston City Schools, School Counselor, my parents and coaches 00:26:39 MIGUEL MENJIVAR: Miguel Menjivar - Truancy Prevention and Intervention Specialist - Pasadena Unified School District 00:26:42 Natalie and Annie: Natali Chapman i am at Kingman middle school 00:26:43 joshuablack: Joshua Black- Liberty Middle & Liberty High -Liberty SC-Attendance Interventionist - School District of Pickens County- Parents made sure we attended school 00:26:48 coreyjones: Corey Jones, Student engagement facilitator Thompson Middle School 00:27:05 Kathryn Crowell: I would not have made it as far as I did without the support of my parents. 00:27:14 Katie Piatt- Raymond Park: Katie Piatt, 8th Grade School Counselor, Raymond Park IMS 00:27:27 Susan Logan: Susan Logan, Family Engagement Liaison for MSD Warren Township, Creston Intermediate Middle School. My father is a retired educator, and expectations were high in my home. 00:27:44 michelle martinez: Michelle Martinez Family and Community Support Service Provider, McDonough Middle School Hartford CT 00:28:07 Jennifer Smagin: Jennifer Smagin School Counselor McDonough Middle 6th-8th 00:28:15 amanda pollard: Amanda Pollard, Family Engagement Specialist for Roxboro Road Middle School in North Syracuse, NY. 00:29:00 SULLM001: Megan Sullivan, MTSS Math, McDonough Middle School 00:31:22 Chanda Cleggett: Chanda Cleggett, Truancy Specialist, Stratford STEM High School, Nashville, TN 00:32:08 Holly: Holly Honbo, Kaimuki HS, HNL, HI (Oops! Forgot to press send) 00:32:11 smith367: L Smith, GBSD.Portland, Or. Student Engagement Liaison. Parents, friends, school, it was just what was expected 00:33:40 Sheri: Sheri Thompson, attendance secretary and registrar, Raymond Park IMS 00:44:41 vogl: Vickie Vogl Community Engagement Liaison Springwater Trail High School Gresham, Oregon. 00:49:59 Mrs. Cortez: capacity 00:50:00 Missy Frana: GMS is looking for pathways for Capacity 00:50:01 Gregory Fowler: Mindset has to be established 00:50:02 Laura Feffer (she/her): Data/capacity. 00:50:05 Jessica Kuhn: data 00:50:09 Keevan Matsumoto: Capacity 00:50:09 Carol Hetzel: Strategies 00:50:12 Megan Trumm: Mindset 00:50:12 Nicole Wood: We're still at the mindset 00:50:13 Holly: Strategies 00:50:14 Kristina Christiansen: data 00:50:14 Kathryn Crowell: Capacity/Strategies 00:50:16 Jeanine Aguilar, PXU: Strategies 00:50:16 Nicole Simpson: Mindset 00:50:21 Joy Toms: data 00:50:21 Ivan Ceja: Capacity/Strategies 00:50:22 Paul-Michael Dalton: capacity/strategies 00:50:23 Sarah Kufleitner: Mindset 00:50:28 joshuablack: Mindset 00:50:30 coreyjones: Capacity/Strategies 00:50:34 Michael Anderson: All four 😀 so I guess we need to start with Mindset 00:50:35 Chanda Cleggett: Our district works from actionable data. My school is working with strategies 00:50:41 Ginger Paul: Capacity and Strategies 00:50:44 Ira Rounsaville: Mindset 00:50:46 Roberta Lang-Setoki: Mindset 00:50:47 America Navarro: Strategies 00:50:50 Patricia : Mindset 00:50:51 drohler: KOLA is discussing resources and increasing online outreach and reaching students directly but we are still working on the dialog to reach the students that don't participate. It's difficult when they're learning from home. 00:51:10 Jamie Felton: Mindset, but all are being address/need improvement 00:51:13 Natalie and Annie: all 4 00:51:47 Carol Hetzel: capacity/strategies 00:51:55 Rebecca Ziskind: Mindset 00:51:59 Jennifer Smagin: mindset 00:52:01 Carla Gay (she/her): mindset 00:52:32 smith367: Mindset/Strategies/ 00:53:12 Sue Fothergill, Attendance Works: This is a picture of high school students in their learning pod with their teacher. 00:59:16 Michael Anderson: Out - anxiety 00:59:25 Jeanine Aguilar, PXU: Boredom at the High School level 00:59:26 Christina Smith: Cared for 00:59:30 Megan Trumm: Pushed out- feel disconnected, pulled in- community 00:59:36 Marcus Williams : Ignored...Boredom 00:59:38 Laura Feffer (she/her): pushing out - education will never be the same. Many opting for online. Pulling - human connection 00:59:39 Jennifer Smagin: cared for 00:59:40 Ryan: Pushing: Out of touch education…anxiety and mental health 00:59:43 Michael Anderson: In - Sports, success, peers, etc... 00:59:43 Missy Frana: poor peer relationships 00:59:48 Rebecca Ziskind: barriers/connections 00:59:48 Paul-Michael Dalton: Pushed out by feeling of failure, lack of belonging, and no support 00:59:49 Ryan: Pulling: Connection 00:59:51 Destiny Ayala: boredom 00:59:54 Ira Rounsaville: Connection/belongging 00:59:55 drohler: For online push out factors can be feeling ignored, and experiencing boredom for sure 00:59:55 Sheri: out-having to take on more roles at home to help out 00:59:57 Missy Frana: connections to peers and adults bring them in 00:59:59 Carol Hetzel: Out - jobs - they don't see a reason to go to school 01:00:00 Amanda LoStimolo: connections! 01:00:01 Joshua Davis: When schools got away from having fun and started focusing more on scores rather than the person 01:00:07 Sheri: in- safe place 01:00:08 Sarah Kufleitner: Out - ignored 01:00:13 Nicole Wood: boredom-out/engagement in 01:00:15 Marcus Williams : inclusion..supported 01:00:17 Carol Hetzel: In - relationships with staff 01:00:28 Craig Musser: Language barriers are significantly pushing our students out. 01:00:39 drohler: Pull in factors for online are safety from bullying and anxiety and the support of online resources 01:00:41 Matthew Ginter: community 01:00:51 Carla Gay (she/her): Push out: not belonging; anxiety; easier to stay home when working or parenting 01:00:55 Jamie Felton: Pushing Out: Anxiety, feeling behind, pressure all around Pulling In: Feeling connected in class, success 01:01:02 Holly: Out: work overload 01:01:14 Chanda Cleggett: pushing out-exclusion, no student voice; pulling in-inclusion, student voice 01:01:19 Natalie and Annie: anxiety and some bullying and difficulties with other students 01:01:28 smith367: Push=bullying, boredom. Pull=engagement, Support 01:01:34 Kathryn Crowell: Push out: lack of relevance to their lives out side of school. Students sometimes feel that it makes more sense for them to work and support their families rather than sitting in the classroom everyday 01:02:09 Carla Gay (she/her): Pulling in: connection; caring, part of community; attend to individual needs; culturally responsive; 01:02:12 Craig Musser: With COVID, students are becoming the income source for many families, causing them to attend school infrequently. 01:02:24 Natalie and Annie: I hear I feel like nobody cares 01:02:48 Holly: Older students are taking on caring for younger siblings 01:03:06 eddie merritt: eddie from newport: to everyone we used esser funds to a hire a person at each school whose sole purpose is to focus on attendance. and meet for a minimum of a couple of hours a week and talk about individual students and what their needs are 01:04:01 Jamie Felton: Our high school hangs country flags from all of our students that are from out of the country 01:04:25 Kathryn Crowell: pull in: real connections with staff. Helping students to see real life examples of what the long term benefits of a good education can be if they choose to pursue it. 01:04:30 Natalie and Annie: put yourself in there shoes. 01:05:46 Holly: Pull in: food. Our students received free lunch and breakfast 01:06:11 Adrienne Sesay: Absolutely! We never know if our students are eating daily. 01:06:47 Craig Musser: Same here. Free breakfast and lunch, even when we were closed. 01:08:15 Jessica Kuhn: Can you share the link for the video? I would love to share it with our staff! 01:08:16 Carol Hetzel: student voice 01:08:20 Jeanine Aguilar, PXU: student voice 01:08:23 Holly: Staff attitude towards students! 01:08:24 Sarah Kufleitner: Engaging with the students, making them feel wanted 01:08:26 drohler: Belonging, Connection and support 01:08:33 Craig Musser: ensuring students WANT to be in school. 01:08:35 Nicole Wood: feeling valued and finding value in their learning 01:08:43 Matthew Ginter: atmosphere 01:08:44 Holly: Staff enjoying their "jobs" 01:08:45 Missy Frana: Safe place to communicate their needs 01:08:47 Kathryn Crowell: Students need to see the value in their education 01:08:49 Jennifer Smagin: trusted adult 01:08:54 joshuablack: Belonging 01:08:59 Ivan Ceja: Relationships 01:08:59 Sheri: making students feel like you are aware of their presence 01:09:03 Jamie Felton: Sense of school spirit and connection- feeling like a community. Recognizing culture, needs 01:09:07 Rebecca Ziskind: student feels genuinely cared about 01:09:14 coreyjones: Showed love, staff showed they cared 01:09:20 Ira Rounsaville: Mindset comes into play. In order to do some of the things in the video you have to have the right/same mindset. 01:09:22 Natalie and Annie: belonging, connection, and support 01:09:46 Kathryn Crowell: Environment should be such that they truly want be at school 01:10:36 Sue Fothergill, Attendance Works: City Neighbors is the school that has the motto - Known, Loved, and Inspired 01:13:00 Sarah Kufleitner: I don't have a camera or mic... :( I'm sorry... 01:25:18 Ira Rounsaville: Home visits 01:25:32 drohler: Home visits! Totally sold! 01:26:03 Ricks-MallardN: Follow up & Follow through 01:27:08 Dawn Joella Jackson- GBSD- she/ella: We should have more decisions about how we learn as students. That way we would act better and come more because it would be more our school and not just a school for adults. -Teachers need to build relationships with students. They need to listen and get to know us, that takes us having a voice in how this is done. 01:27:43 Kathryn Crowell: Family visits, flexible hours to accommodate family work hours. Starting conversations from a supportive standpoint rather than from a punitive point of view 01:28:00 Carla Gay (she/her): We have outreach coordinator who works with students who are referred after Tier 3 efforts are exhausted within the school using our student engagement liaisons, then collaborate with our culturally specific community partners to provide outreach and community services. 01:28:43 drohler: don’t necessarily focus on grades and attendance but look for boundaries by building a relationship FIRST. 01:29:52 Rebecca Ziskind: Flexible communication, attention to family needs 01:30:23 Jennifer Smagin: home visits and student engagement specialists 01:31:18 Craig Musser: We are also doing a lot to get the community involved in our school. 01:38:46 Sue Fothergill, Attendance Works: In this session we're focused primarily on the "foundation" we will cover specific tier 1, 2, and 3 strategies at future sessions. 01:39:54 Valerie White SLA AP: Is this powerpoint going to be available after the webinar? 01:41:18 Sarah Kufleitner: Access to food and other basic needs 01:41:25 Carlos Velazquez: positive relationships 01:41:25 Chanda Cleggett: Positive relationships 01:41:25 Kathryn Crowell: Positive relationships and active family/student engagement 01:41:32 Eric Calabrese: Enrichments and Clubs 01:41:33 Jessica Kuhn: I think all of these can be summed up as students sense of belonging. 01:41:33 coreyjones: Positive Relationships 01:41:35 Mrs. Cortez: Our SEL program, staff to student ratio 01:41:46 Paul-Michael Dalton: welcoming school climate 01:41:46 Missy Frana: PBIS weekly/monthly rewards, celebrations 01:41:54 Megan Trumm: Activities and clubs, parent training (we are virtual, so how to school virtually) 01:41:57 Ivan Ceja: Traditions and celebrations 01:41:58 drohler: Access to tech. This semester we implemented open computer lab times for students and parents to just come in and get help or just have some added structure to promote successful learning. 01:42:00 Sheri: we offer meals for our families during virtual learning and school breaks 01:42:05 Craig Musser: Access to tech and connectivity. Every student has a laptop. 01:42:08 Jamar Chandler: Positive relationships, daily contact 01:42:23 Jamie Felton: Positive relationships, traditions and celebrations, active family and student engagement, support for families to learn at home, access to tech equipment, learning support 01:42:56 Cathy Wolfenden: You can download the slides here (and we'll also send it out with the recording link & resource summary) https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Session-1-Whole-School-Strategies-GROUP-B-Secondary-1-26-22-v2.pdf 01:48:58 Lisa Lyons: Idk about others but in St. Paul we’re really in a crisis moment. We have excessive staff absences in addition to a lot of parents/guardians keeping students home for fear of the pandemic/escalated anxiety and other mental health issues with a dwindling number of community partners who remain in tact after the pandemic & mental health providers who are so swamped that it takes months to get an appointment. 01:50:01 Adrienne Sesay: Evaluation 01:50:28 Gregory Fowler: this was a great session. Thank you for all the information. Have a blessed day from Phx. Az 01:50:31 Cathy Wolfenden: Class evaluation https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 01:50:45 Carla Gay (she/her): Thank you. 01:50:45 Sarah Kufleitner: Thank you all so much!! 01:52:09 Ivan Ceja: Thank you all. It was great to be able to connect in breakout rooms. Looking forward to the next session. 01:52:10 joshuablack: Thank you