00:12:37 Cathy Wolfenden: Welcome and good morning/afternoon! We'll get started in a few minutes. 00:13:43 Cathy Wolfenden: Feel free to introduce yourself in chat: name, position and state. :-) 00:14:08 Paula Baldwin: Jessica Anglin, Principal, Sandy River Middle School; 00:14:09 Laura Goforth: Laura Goforth, Teacher to Exceptional Learners, West Virginia 00:14:30 Amanda West: Amanda West, Resource Coordinator, Attendance Specialist, Home to School Liaison, Missouri 00:14:41 Jeremy Matney: Jeremy Matney, Exceptional Learners (SPED) Coordinator, McDowell County Schools, WV 00:14:43 Kimberly Manganella: Kimberly Manganella Coordinator Family Engagement Secondary Schools Vernon Public Schools CT 00:14:44 Paula Baldwin: Paula Baldwin, CIS SITE Coordinator, McDowell County, Sandy River Middle School 00:14:53 Cierra Martinez, DASD: Cierra Martinez, Home and School Visitor Downingtown Area School District PA 00:15:14 Abby Mayers: Abby Mayers, Everett Public Schools, WA state 00:15:41 Sheila Muncy: Sheila Muncy, CIS Site Coordinator, Bradshaw Elementary, McDowell County, WV 00:15:55 Patricia Muncy: Patricia Muncy, Title One at Bradshaw Elementary in McDowell County 00:16:31 Brett Surguine he/him/his: Brett Surguine, Principal, Vista High School, Yuma, Arizona 00:16:36 Sarah Diaz: Sarah Diaz, Principal Welch Elementary McDowell County WV 00:16:42 Elizabeth Scott: Elizabeth Scott 2nd grade teacher 00:16:43 Rhonda: Rhonda Cox, Kimball Elementary School McDowell County CIS. 00:16:52 Edna Metcalf: Edna Metcalf, Executive Director Health & Related Services, Jefferson Parish Schools. Louisianan 00:16:56 Stephanie Marta: Stephanie Marta, Attendance Coordinator/School Social Worker, Appleton , WI 00:16:59 WILLIAM BILYAK: WILLIAM BILYAK VERNON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, CT 00:17:11 Elissa Viele: Elissa Viele, Elementary school social worker in western New York 00:17:13 kimball: Charlene Bowman Title 1 Kimball Elementary McDowell County 00:17:18 Bill Caten: Bill Caten, Henrico County Public Schools Department of School Quality 00:17:24 Stephanie Fletcher: Stephanie Fletcher, Torrington Middle School, Torrington, CT 00:17:26 Samantha Macy: Samantha Macy, Director of Operations in Nashville, TN 00:17:43 FPSD - Bravo, Erica: Erica Bravo, Franklin Pierce School District -Tacoma, WA Attendance Intervention Specialist 00:17:45 FAITH BOUDREAUX: Faith Boudreaux, Louisiana Department of Health 00:17:57 Jennifer Elenes, Santa Clara COE: Jennifer Elenes, Coordinator - Attendance & Engagement, Santa Clara County Office of Education 00:18:10 Rayla Hunt: Rayla Hunt Education Program Consultant, Louisiana Dept of Education 00:18:18 Nikki Hall: Nikki Hall - McDowell County Principal - Bradshaw elem 00:18:52 Oz Ramos-VPS: Oz Ramos 00:18:57 Cathy Wolfenden: Email me if you need the prior info: cathy@attendanceworks.org 00:19:06 Elizabeth Duncan: Elizabeth Duncan, Medicaid consultant Louisiana 00:19:06 Ted Wells: Ted Wells - GASD - James Gettys Elementary Principal 00:19:12 Shannon Pace: Shannon Pace CIS WES 00:19:19 FPSD - Bravo, Erica: High School - self motived to not be a statistic 00:19:20 Brett Surguine he/him/his: Never a challenge for me 00:19:25 Kimberly Manganella: Most of my school years up to HS. My family was my strength 00:19:29 Laura Goforth: I was blessed to not have challenges getting to school 00:19:30 Lindsay Light: When there were tests. Didn't know that not going was an option 00:19:32 FAITH BOUDREAUX: Car was broken and my parents had to bring me to school. 00:19:32 Oz Ramos-VPS: Oz Ramos-Vernon Public School, attendance counselor 00:19:33 Bill Caten: High school in between sports seasons 00:19:37 Angie’s iPhone: Angie Rockwell, school social worker- Henrico County, VA 00:19:38 Ted Wells: 9th Grade 00:19:38 Rhonda: High School. Coach Nystrom. God Rest His Soul 00:19:42 Stephanie Marta: Never a challenge - I love school! 00:19:45 Paula Baldwin: High School, and it was my family. Especially my mom. 00:19:48 Dawn Miller: Dawn Miller, Ball State University of Charter Schools. I did not have challenges. It was a firm expectation in my family, and I was a rule follower. 🙂 00:19:48 Jeremy Matney: The only challenge I had in getting to school was my parents work schedule, as I did not ride the school bus. They made sure I got there though! 00:19:48 Nikki Hall: If I ever missed the bus, I had no way to get to school because my mother left for work before I left for school and my grandmother did not drive. I had teachers that would stop and pick me up because my house was on the road to the school. 00:19:51 dpearrell: Senior year-- lack of motivation --- but still went all the time 00:19:57 Elissa Viele: HS- but socially driven to see friends 00:19:58 Stephanie Fletcher: I did not want to go to kindergarten. I grew up in a single parent household. My older siblings forced me to go. 00:20:01 Nikki Landry: Did not have challenge. Attendance was a family expectation, not an option. 00:20:11 Abby Mayers: My biggest challenges were related to religious observance, having to take off time, especially as a lot of the holidays were in the Fall, start of school. My parents would write the school notes, but it was sometimes embarrassing to explain, as there were not a lot of other religious Jews. 00:20:13 Amanda West: Elementary school was a struggle, but once in middle school and high school sports were a motivation 00:20:21 Samantha Macy: When I was in fourth grade, my house burned down and my family was staying in a hotel for about 6 weeks while we were trying to get an apartment. The transportation department helped my parents find a bus stop where I could still get to school, and family friends had me stop at their house after i got off the bus. 00:20:32 Patricia Muncy: If the bus did not run or I missed the bus, I couldn't get a way to school. 00:20:38 Sheila Muncy: I didn't have any challenges. It wasn't an option, we knew we had to get up and head out the door. My mother wanted us all to succeed in life. 00:21:00 Tate Dudgeon: Hello! Tate Dudgeon here from Mount View High School 6-12 here in beautiful Welch, West Virginia. I serve as a school counselor. 00:21:06 Anna Palmer: Anna Palmer HS Counselor, GASD 00:22:29 Tate Dudgeon: My parents were supportive and always made/forced me to go to school even though I hated it. A positive relationship with a high school teacher helped turn me around. 00:26:09 Kimberly Manganella: Communication 00:26:11 Jennifer Elenes, Santa Clara COE: Communication 00:26:11 Bill Caten: accurate data 00:26:13 Elissa Viele: respect 00:26:16 dpearrell: communication 00:26:18 Sarah Diaz: respect 00:26:18 Laura Goforth: communciation 00:26:19 Paula Baldwin: Consistency 00:26:20 Anna Palmer: communication 00:26:20 Samantha Macy: Organization 00:26:20 dpearrell: consistency 00:26:20 Nikki Hall: communication 00:26:25 LA - Shelneka Adams: communication 00:26:26 Jeremy Matney: accountability 00:26:28 Angie’s iPhone: Commitment 00:26:30 Amanda West: communication 00:26:34 Erin Greenfield: shared goals 00:26:35 Stephanie Marta: organization 00:26:38 Laura Thieman: effective data system 00:26:40 Stephanie Marta: efficiency 00:26:55 Patricia Muncy: organization and communication 00:26:56 Ted Wells: listening 00:26:58 Cynthia Zingler: collaboration 00:27:12 Sheila Muncy: Everyone on the same page 00:34:48 Shannon Pace: Communities in Schools Team addresses attendance as well 00:34:58 Anna Palmer: SAP 00:35:06 Samantha Macy: I’m the person who addresses attendance and I pull in the SPED team for students who have IEPs - they have to have a manifestation meeting in order to refer a student to truancy. 00:35:06 Patricia Muncy: Community in Schools also 00:35:07 Gavin Hogg: Student Assistance Program Team 00:35:08 Sheena Ashby: CIS 00:35:21 Paula Baldwin: CIS 00:37:24 Paula Baldwin: CIS is Communities in Schools 00:37:37 Paula Baldwin: you are welcome 00:59:21 Brett Surguine he/him/his: We have so many chronic absent students our trigger is 7 absences in a quarter 01:00:12 Lindsay Light: Each week we look at 3 areas of attendance: virtual live lessons, 2-way communication, and time and progress on their courses 01:00:17 LA - Shelneka Adams: We also encourage a phone call after the 3rd absence 01:00:47 Brad Hardy: My attendance team has a list of frequent flyers that whenever those students are absent, they immediately begin making phone calls to see the reason or barrier. Home visits are utilized as needed. 01:03:14 Samantha Macy: How do other schools manage getting contact info for families if we don't have a way to reach them? Normally I'll ask kids for a parents number, but if the scholar is rarely here, it's hard to get contact info 01:09:36 Laura Thieman: This is so empowering and strengths based and concrete? 01:09:38 Laura Thieman: ! 01:16:10 Cathy Wolfenden: Breakout group questions: Reflect on the population of students you identified earlier who were most likely to be chronically absent.1. Share, which group of students you notice miss most often.2. What helps them come to school?3. What barriers keep them from school? 01:29:08 KEltschlager: Build a relationship with the family 01:29:12 Jeremy Matney: 1. Low socioeconomic status, those with little parent support. 01:29:19 Shannon Pace: Offering a ride when needed 01:29:20 Kimberly Manganella: A personal connection that lets them know they are loved 01:29:20 Erin Greenfield: relationships -- with staff, students, family 01:29:21 Lori Howington: Students who have a personal connection to school. 01:29:23 MVHS GILLIARD: Having someone who cares 01:29:24 Monica Wilson (she/her)- ISA: Home visiting. 01:29:26 dpearrell: 1. High School students appear to miss the most-- subgroups of lower SES student population 01:29:28 Nikki Hall: Letting the families know they care 01:29:29 Stephanie Fletcher: Some group members shared that it is the elementary level, others said secondary; family relationships and home visits were strategies that were most successful 01:29:31 Amanda West: a connection to a staff member 01:29:35 Laura Thieman, Fairfax County Public Schools: Starting with preK and preschool - building expectations and investing early 01:29:38 Gary Estep: Home visits 01:29:44 Kristy East: Make school fun and engaging - relevant to their lives. 01:29:45 Amanda Fragile Peyton - McDowell County Schools: Ready Freddy the Attendance Frog Mascot for PreK and K 01:29:48 dpearrell: 2. Building relationships, home visits, personalized communication 01:29:54 Laura Goforth: educating families on the importance of attendance is and how it works against and for their education 01:30:01 Sheila Muncy: Address the issue of absences out of concern rather than compliance 01:30:02 Jeremy Matney: 2. Districts reaching out with various resources, such as home visits 3. parents not enforcing coming to school and rejecting resources. No true truancy system 01:30:08 Debra Hall: Having that one adult at school and positive relationships 01:30:13 Amanda Fragile Peyton - McDowell County Schools: District Home Visiting Project 01:30:30 dpearrell: 3. anxiety, lack of transportation, lack of parent engagement, lack of valuing education 01:30:34 Beverly Phelps: Districts listening to families and their needs. 01:30:36 Paula Baldwin: Students with various situations, examples such as: students with no connection to the school, low parental engagement, migrant population not being able to be at school. Families not taking education seriously. 01:30:39 Patricia Muncy: Building relationships with the families 01:30:42 Monica Wilson (she/her)- ISA: Meeting student half way from school and walking them to school when they are too close to their school for Mckinney Vento transportation 01:30:45 Tate Dudgeon: 1) Those students with parents who dropped out of school; Families of low SES status; Parents who do not value education; parents who can't/won't "make" student come to school. 01:30:50 Paula Baldwin: Building relationships with families, etc. 01:31:52 Laura Thieman, Fairfax County Public Schools: What is the funding source again? 01:32:26 Sheila Muncy: Be realistic about what you are asking parents to do. 01:32:33 Cathy Wolfenden: Flamboyan Foundation (relationship toolkit) https://flamboyanfoundation.org/ 01:32:58 Jennifer Elenes, Santa Clara COE: Did you say the training was by Flamboyant? 01:33:03 Monica Wilson (she/her)- ISA: That's awesome. 01:33:07 Laura Thieman, Fairfax County Public Schools: Thank you!!! 01:33:11 Jennifer Elenes, Santa Clara COE: got it! Thanks 01:33:22 Tate Dudgeon: 2) Positive relationships with parents and families. Helping students and families develop life goals, action steps to obtain these goals and encouragement to continue pressing on toward achieving success. 01:37:33 Cathy Wolfenden: Download the slides for today https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Session-2-Early-Interventions-GROUP-3-9-15-22-v2.pdf 01:37:49 Lindsay Light: Do you have any specific training for Virtual Schools? 01:38:07 Samantha Macy: How do other schools manage getting contact info for families if we don't have a way to reach them? Normally I'll ask kids for a parents number, but if the scholar is rarely here, it's hard to get contact info 01:38:44 Cathy Wolfenden: Before you go, please take a minute to evaluate today's class https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 01:38:47 Laura Thieman, Fairfax County Public Schools: I didn't save the slides from September 1st's webinar. Is there a way I can request those again? 01:40:26 Cathy Wolfenden: @samantha Here are some strategies for reaching out https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Strategies-for-Connecting-with-Students-and-Families-rev-8-27-20.pdf 01:40:52 Samantha Macy: Thank you! 01:40:53 Lindsay Light: We have had to track students down on Social Media.....not great but it has worked 01:41:18 Shannon Pace: I have great luck contacting them on socials and then updating the info 01:41:31 Shannon Pace: Several of our parents only have communication via facebook messenger 01:41:41 Cathy Wolfenden: Student success plan and help bank https://www.attendanceworks.org/resources/student-attendance-success-plans/ 01:43:24 Cathy Wolfenden: Class evaluation https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 01:44:29 Cathy Wolfenden: Download the slides for today https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Session-2-Early-Interventions-GROUP-3-9-15-22-v2.pdf 01:44:37 Laura Thieman, Fairfax County Public Schools: Thank you so much!! 01:44:55 Erin Greenfield: thank you! 01:45:08 Stephanie Fletcher: thank you so much!