00:23:32 Gisela Ariza: Welcome everyone! 00:23:50 Becky Miles-Polka: Hello and Welcome Everyone! 00:24:31 Lisa Sieber: Good afternoon! 00:28:09 april Johnson: APRIL JOHNSON 00:28:16 Candice Preston: Candice Preston, Mansfield Elementary, School Social Worker 00:28:33 april Johnson: APRIL JOHNSON SPED TEACHER ST. JAMES PARISH SCHOOL DISTRICT 00:28:34 Gisela Ariza: Welcome Lisa, April and Candice! 00:28:39 Brydie Manuel: Brydie Manuel, Assistant Principal, Rollins Place Elementary, ZCSD 00:28:45 Lanarcisus Bunett: Lanarcisus Burnett, Sped Teacher, Cypress Grove Montessori Academy 00:28:45 Lettimarie Nezianya: Lettimarie Nezianya, Rollins Place Elementary, Zachary LA 00:28:46 Molly Stadalis: Molly Stadalis, St. James Parish Schools 00:28:51 Shelneka Adams-Marsalone: Shelneka Adams-Marsalone, CWA-LDOE, School Resource Officers 00:28:52 Laurie Wahl: Laurie Wahl, SLP, St. James Parish 00:28:57 monica roussel: Monica, RN 00:28:57 Ashley Ockman: Ashley Ockman, Gramercy Elementary, School Counselor 00:29:05 Lisa Sieber: Lisa Sieber preschool teacher, St Louis Academy, St. James Parish 00:29:18 Jasmine Barbay: Jasmine Barbay, School Counselor, Cypress Grove Montessori Academy 00:29:28 Shelcia Carter: Shelcia Valentine-Carter St. James Parish Paraprofessional Attendance team Cynthia Joseph St. James parish SLA Principal Attendance team 00:29:53 Taira Every: Taira Every, Assistant Principal, St. James Parish Schools 00:30:14 Gisela Ariza: Reacted to "Shelcia Valentine-Ca..." with ❤️ 00:41:21 Tristen Bergholtz: Can you paste this YouTube link in the chat? 00:42:26 Cathy W: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nyr1OizVo0 00:43:05 Meggie P. Dardar, John Ambrose, C. Furtick, J. Rougee: 1.) If kids don't feel welcomed they won't want to come to school. 00:43:08 Lettimarie Nezianya: When students feel loved and welcomed they will come to school. 00:43:16 Lanarcisus Bunett: Each day we have the opportunity to show a child that they matter. If they feel they matter, they will want to come to school. Show love while you give them education 00:43:20 Shelcia Carter: Providing a welcoming environment. 00:43:36 Ashley Ockman: Kids need to feel safe and welcome upon entering the building 00:44:12 Lanarcisus Bunett: We all great our students in the mornings and when they leave to give them a positive experience at the beginning and end of the day 00:44:35 Cleveland Washington: Cleveland Washington Ascension Parish 00:45:17 Becky Miles-Polka: @Lanarcisus Bunett I love this, thanks for sharing! 00:46:21 Brydie Manuel: Can you please let Kelli Day into the meeting? 00:50:51 Becky Miles-Polka: We don’t see Kelli in the waiting room. We will past the link in shortly for her to try join. 00:51:25 Lanarcisus Bunett: Tone of voice 00:51:44 Shelcia Carter, Cynthia A. Joseph: Not listening as a two-way conversation 00:51:46 Shelneka Adams-Marsalone: I heard what I wanted to hear v. what they were saying. 00:51:52 Brydie Manuel: make that connection 00:51:54 Lanarcisus Bunett: Allow them to feel like they have been heard 00:51:58 Richard Han: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/88090272610?pwd=Zm5EeGgraHlFR2NFekowdVhFVkI0Zz09 Meeting ID: 880 9027 2610 Passcode: 760438 00:52:26 Kimberly Gales Johnson: Considering where the other person is in their day, before having the conversation. 00:52:28 Lanarcisus Bunett: Talk to and not talk at 00:52:54 Richard Han: Replying to "https://us02web.zoom..." @Brydie Manuel @Brydie Manuel 00:59:43 Becky Miles-Polka: What are you most proud of with your child? 01:00:09 Candice Preston: WE don't wait till attendance is critical we start making contact at 3 unexcused days and discuss ways to avoid further missed days. 01:20:30 Candice Preston: Parent/teacher conferences 01:21:20 Candice Preston: We have flyers from Attendance works out on the table for parents to grab during conferences 01:22:37 Cheri Murray: We focus on preventive measures too. We drop information from Attendance Works under the counselors "Tips and Topics" in our Tuesday Folders. 01:33:32 Candice Preston: Staff moved on and got back in the swing of things faster than families did. 01:34:38 Molly Stadalis: Parents having bad experiences when they were in school. 01:34:41 Cheri Murray: Not communicating with the parents and then just referring them for truancy. 01:34:57 Shelcia Carter: If you are not following up and providing possible resources 01:34:58 Taira Every: Sorry, our building lost internet connection. 01:35:31 Cheri Murray: Some parents feel scared or embarrassed to reach out on issues going on at home. 01:37:35 Candice Preston: Volunteers for Youth Justice, Volunteers of America, volunteer grannies in the school, behavior interventionist, monthly wellness meetings 01:37:44 Gisela Ariza: Yes, Cherri, that’s a really good point. For many families, our schools are the only connection they have to their community so we need make sure we create space for them to approach us with challenges. 01:42:45 Gisela Ariza: https://www.louisiana211.org/ 01:44:13 Kimberly Gales Johnson: what is a walking school bus? 01:44:35 Cheri Murray: Reacted to "Yes, Cherri, that’s ..." with ❤️ 01:44:41 Kelli Day: parent organizations 01:48:01 Richard Han: We would love your feedback about today's session. Yes, we read all the comments! Take a minute to fill out the survey: https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 01:51:04 Gisela Ariza: Thank you for participating in this attendance series! Please do reach out if you have any questions. 01:51:13 Shelcia Carter: Thanks!