00:33:36 Dawn Gularte: Dawn Gularte-Elementary Assistant Principal 00:33:42 Cecilia Clemmons: Cecilia Clemmons- School Counselor-CCSD Alamo ES- 00:33:55 Jaime Cornell, AP Frias ES: Jaime Cornell, AP at Frias ES. 00:34:09 Ryan Guzman: Ryan Guzman, AP Paradise Elementary I had a hard time wanting to attend school in fourth grade because I had a teacher that I had a difficult relationship with. I joined a club which is what helped me get to school everyday 00:34:11 Marlene Merida: Marlene Merida, Coordinator, AARSI. It was hard to get to school when the weather was bad because I walked to school everyday. 00:34:35 Eva Melendrez: A speech teacher who welcomed and encouraged me. 00:34:51 Maurice Cooper: Maurice, teacher, Ortwein ES, waking up after being up late, my parents and siblings 00:34:53 Karla Tadmor: Karla Tadmor and Katie Dawson, Strategist and Counselot, Shelley Berkley ES, friends, activities, favorite teacher 00:35:04 Sonia Etelis: Sonia Etelis- Assistant Principal at Paradise. Good teachers who actually cared about me as a whole person. 00:35:10 Matthew Padovese: Matthew Padovese over chronic absentism for 3 elementary schools. 8th grade and my family/friends help me get to school. 00:35:23 Cecilia Clemmons: In 1st grade -I had a difficult time transitions from half day to full day. Formed relationship with staff member besides teacher 00:41:04 Dawn Gularte: Trust 00:41:05 Karla Tadmor: communication 00:41:09 Cecilia Clemmons: Relationship-Communication 00:41:09 Maurice Cooper: common goal 00:41:25 Sonia Etelis: Transparency 00:41:30 Matthew Padovese: Relationship and communication 00:41:36 Eva Melendrez: Willingness to learn 00:41:44 Chryshana Hicks: Listening and respect 00:51:01 Cecelia Leong: Hopefully, after today's session, you have some good next steps for forming a team to improve attendance if you don't have one already 01:29:51 Gisela Ariza, Attendance Works: 1. Share, which group of students you notice miss most often. 2. What helps them come to school? 3. What barriers keep them from school? 01:30:11 Gisela Ariza, Attendance Works: Come back ready to share: What helps students who struggle with absenteeism show up to school? 01:42:36 Gisela Ariza, Attendance Works: Please share with us: What helps students who struggle with absenteeism show up to school? 01:43:11 Karen Collins: Attendance Incentives! 01:43:30 Jaime Cornell, AP Frias ES: Group and individual recognition. Parent raffles. 01:44:25 Marlene Merida: Reacted to "Attendance Incentive..." with ❤️ 01:46:52 Jaime Cornell, AP Frias ES: Improvement raffles/recognition too 01:47:42 Gisela Ariza, Attendance Works: Gardens are also a great way to engage families and get them to spend time on campus. 01:48:07 Jaime Cornell, AP Frias ES: Nudge Letters to parents (graphic as part of the goal letter) 01:50:38 Cecelia Leong: Karen and Cecilia, consider what Tier 1 incentives might work for the parents. What would motivate a parent? How might you find out from them what would motivate them? 01:52:05 Jaime Cornell, AP Frias ES: Post cards just to say thank you. Raffles for Target gift cards, etc. Special restaurant coupons. 01:55:16 Richard Han: Please let us know how we can improve: https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj Thank you! 01:56:08 Gisela Ariza, Attendance Works: Work Session Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OIo9-_tqgDLTT-nYuGmIHK-VUMrneaXV?usp=drive_link 01:56:19 Dara Zaccagnino 1st-5th: Can you share the link to the Attendance Playbook and the Implementation Guide? 01:56:42 Cecelia Leong: Replying to "Can you share the li..." The link is in the slides that Eva will send you. 01:56:56 Eva Melendrez: Work Session 2 - Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. 01:57:03 Dara Zaccagnino 1st-5th: Replying to "Can you share the li..." ok. Thank you 01:57:20 Jaime Cornell, AP Frias ES: Replying to "Can you share the li..." Do we go to the same zoom link for the next session? 01:57:33 Karen Collins: Lewis E. Rowe ES 01:57:43 Darla Richards: McDoniel ES 01:58:19 Karen Collins: I have the HMH Training during this time. 01:58:21 Gisela Ariza, Attendance Works: Darla you are all set. 01:58:31 Gisela Ariza, Attendance Works: Karen, are you region 2? 01:58:36 Karen Collins: Yes 01:59:24 Gisela Ariza, Attendance Works: Karen all set.