00:13:50 Cecelia: Welcome, everyone! We will start in 10 minutes. 00:19:53 Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works: Please rename yourself so that we can address you by name. Thank you! 00:24:42 Kevin Garth Flint: good morning 00:27:20 Monica Vega: Good Morning 00:28:26 Tammy Hodges: Tammy Hodges--Social Social Worker 00:28:27 kimfleming: Kim Fleming 00:28:28 Sue, Attendance Works: Sue Fothergill, Attendance Works, Ms. Keesecker in 5th grade, because she cared about me. 00:28:36 Ms. Abi: Abi- Counselor 00:28:39 Kaitlyn Jimenez: Kaitlyn Jimenez school Social worker 00:28:42 P00026667: Jodi Samson School social Worker 00:28:45 AllisonRussman: Allison Russman Cuming County Truancy Officer-Nebraska-I am in charge of all 5 schools that are housed in Cuming County. 00:28:47 Beth Kelzer: Beth Kelzer, School Social Worker for Area 3 attendance. 00:28:49 Jessica Petrilli: Jessica Petrilli- Principal 00:28:52 Leah Bracken: I'm Leah Bracken, from Cedar Valley Community School in the Edmonds School District. 00:28:53 Gail Avery: Gail Avery, Gloucester School District, Laura Downs invited me as we have been wanting to partner with AW for a while! 00:28:55 kimfleming: Kim Fleming-McKinley School- Teacher in Charge 00:28:56 Stevie Stillinger: Stevie Stillinger- Student Advocate- St. Charles Parish Public Schools 00:28:57 Tracy Sanchez: Tracy Sanchez - Principal 00:28:57 Jayden Sellers: Jayden Sellers-School Resource Specialist, Marshalltown Community School District. 00:28:59 Amber Hackett: Amber, School Social Worker on the Attendance Team for Pinellas County Schools, FL 00:28:59 Lynne Beattie: Lynne Beattie, Principal at O’Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester. Gail Avery, Gloucester attendance officer 00:29:01 Allison Wilson: Allison Wilson, Family Development Director - Mid-Iowa Community Action , Marshalltown Iowa. 00:29:04 Heather Corcoran: Hello. Heather Corcoran Educational Service Center of NE Ohio. My parents inspired me to attend and learn. 00:29:06 Lisa Foslien: Lisa Foslien, Assistant Principal, Marysville middle school, 00:29:06 Mercedez Jackson: Mercedez Jackson, Fulton county schools social worker. I was inspired to attend this training because my schools could truly benefit from effective interventions and strategies 00:29:07 Laura Holt: Laura Holt Broward county school social worker 00:29:08 Christen RIcarte: Christen Ricarte - Pomeroy Elementary School Attendance Clerk - Santa Clara Unfied SD 00:29:09 rguenther: Renae Guenther- South Umpqua School District/ Tribal Attendance Promising Practices Program- Motivator Ramona Halcomb/ Explore Best Practices in Covid-Era 00:29:11 Courteney Vogt: Courteney Vogt- Independence Elementary School 00:29:11 Beckie Matheson: Beckie Matheson, school counselor Gloucester, MA 00:29:12 Erica Filipiak: Erica Filipiak, Principal at Wilcox Elementary in Springfield District 186 00:29:12 James Cook: James Cook, Principal, Gloucester High School (MA) 00:29:14 ckobs: Chris Kobs Dean of Students Gloucester High School, Gloucester, MA 00:29:14 Adrianne: Adrianne Torres, School Social Worker, Fulton County Schools 00:29:15 P00010285: Lyda Lockett, School Social Worker with Broward Schools in South Florida. I had several amazing teachers who inspired me. 00:29:17 Allison Alves: Allison Alves, guidance counselor Gloucester, MA 00:29:17 Deena: Deena Adler school social worker, Broward County 00:29:19 Ona Lindberg: Ona Lindberg - Dean of Students Whitehall CSD K-12 (New York/Vermont boarder - Mrs. Knokes 00:29:19 Joyce Synnott: Joyce - Community School Director. A college professor: Dave M. 00:29:22 kenders02394: Kim Enders Huntington High School Huntington, WV. Cabell County. Mrs. Conard, my gym teacher. 00:29:26 Terry McGarry: Terry McGarry School Social Work Team Leader 00:29:27 Courtney Klingman: Courtney Klingman, School Social Worker for Attendance Pinellas County Schools (FL) Mrs. Coon, my 2nd grade teacher, she made learning fun! 00:29:27 Charity Trowbridge: Charity Trowbridge, Coordinator of Social Work Services Fulton County Schools, GA. My second grade teacher - Mrs. Butler. 00:29:28 Beckie Matheson: My mom, brothers and SPORTS! 00:29:28 Tammy Hodges: Tammy Hodges School Social Worker Fulton County SChools My Parents because non-attendance was not an option 00:29:29 klobdell: Kyndra Lobdell - School Resource Specialist, Marshalltown School District, 3rd Grade Teacher inspired 00:29:32 Beckie Matheson: And friends! 00:29:32 Angela Pelham - Rogers/Hoglan: Angela Pelham, School Resource Specialist. Hoglan & Rogers Elementary Schools in Marshalltown, IA. Mrs. Davis-my 1st grade Teacher, she was fun and kind! 00:29:34 Renee Symons: Renee Symons - TAPP Advocate for the North Bend School District - Teachers inspired me growing up. 00:29:34 Leanne Radabaugh - K - 8 MTSS Coordinator - NC: Leanne Radabaugh, K-12 Admin of MTSS, Pender County Schools, NC 00:29:34 Joyce Synnott: West Contra Costa Unified - Helms Middle School 00:29:35 Glenis Contreras: Glenis Contreras, School Social Worker, Broward County Public Schools, FL. My faith in God. I know God expect me to keep growing and learning in order to do my best. 00:29:36 ida oberman: Ida Oberman ED CSCE Hanna Lindenberg my class teacher 3rd - 8th grade 00:29:37 Stephanie Kubej: Stephanie Kubej, Marysville Middle School Principal. Student in Bellevue who needed attendance support to succeed. 00:29:38 jdestino: Jeff Destino Assistant Principal Gloucester Public Schools: Coach Jim Munn 00:29:40 Theresa Reynolds: Hi! Theresa Reynolds - school social worker in Broward County. the students inspire me. I want them to get the education they deserve 00:29:44 Bob Putnam: Bob Putnam, Exe Vice Pres, May Institute, George Sugai, Learned about MTSS 00:29:45 Elizabeth Edwards: Elizabeth Edwards, School Social Worker with Broward COunty Public Schools 00:29:51 Rochelle’s iPhone: Rochelle Canady - PCL Waco ISD - My parents (both retired educators) 00:29:51 ida oberman: loving and always learning from nature and people 00:29:52 Danica: Danica Rubenstein, Director of Attendance, Monongalia County Schools, Morgantown, WV. My father's belt is aka Calvin Klein is what inspired me to go to school when I didn't want to! 00:29:53 Rebecca Arredondo: Rebecca Arredondo, Tribal Attendance Family Advocate at Willamina Elementary School (Willamina School District). Sr. Margaret-4th grade teacher 00:29:53 Allison Alves: My first grade teacher inspired me 00:29:54 Allison Atkins: Allison Atkins, Academic Coach Huntington High School, Cabell County WV 00:29:57 Ms. Abi: Abi- Counselor, Helms West Contra Costa Unified, Parents always made sure I went to school and valued education. 00:29:57 patmorgan: My name is Pat Morgan, My school is the North Carolina Cyber Academy, My inspiration were my parents who inspired me to have a strong work ethic…which means showing up! 00:30:00 Gayle Clark: Gayle Clark, Dean of Students, Mount Baker Middle School, Mount Vernon, WA. My teachers inspired me by encouraging me 00:30:01 Phillip Shaver: Phillip from Broward County, FL. My track coach made me keep my grades up so I could run and jump on the team. 00:30:02 marywhite: Mary White, O’Maley M.S. Gloucester MA. My 6th grade Social Studies teacher who opened the world to us! 00:30:02 Sam Slocum: Samantha Slocum, School Resource Specialist at Franklin and Woodbury Elementary, Marshalltown 00:30:04 ckobs: Coach Ananian- kind, good listener 00:30:12 Kerlin Casado: Kerlin Casado-school social worker, Broward public schools. My parents inspired me to attend school. 00:30:12 Curt Schutzmann: Curt Schutzmann, Dean of Students at Quincy High School,Quincy School District. My dad is an inspiration to me. He seems to know a little bit about everything and he is constantly learning. 00:30:13 Monica Segovia : Monica Segovia, Attendance Specialist, Marshalltown Community School District 00:30:14 Lindsay Record: Lindsay Record, Parent Educator, Wilcox Elementary School - Family Engagement Coordinator inspired me to attend 00:30:16 Marlene Jairam: Marlene Jairam/School Social Worker/I have 3 Elementary Schools/Work for Broward County Public Schools/A mental health person inspired me (Dr. Bailey) always inviting and warm with young people. 00:30:17 Bre Landrum: Bre Landrum, TAPP (Tribal Attendance Promising Practices) Family Advocate. I work in Coos Bay Schools and am partnered with the Coquille Indian Tribe. I loved school for the social aspect but it was my mom who was my biggest support 00:30:17 Dolores Flaherty: Dolores Flaherty Edmonds School District Attendance Support Principal inspired to reach all our families 00:30:18 eybarra: Elena Ybarra, Attendance Secretary at Quincy High School. My mother expired me to keep learning because there are many rewards for hard work. 00:30:20 Courteney Vogt: My mom has always inspired me and encouraged me to be a teacher. 00:30:26 Tracy Sanchez: Tracy Sanchez - Principal, Fremont Public School - Quest High School. 00:30:28 Gabby Joseph: Gabriela Joseph, School Social Work Supervisor Broward County 00:31:36 Antoinette: Antoinette Doughty, School Social Worker, Broward Public Schools. The student are my major inspiration and other innovative social workers in my Region 2 zone. 00:32:08 Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works: Thanks for sharing everyone. 00:32:57 Kelley’s iPhone: Kelley Farrow, Attendance Social Worker for PInellas County, my mother the teacher made sure I knew the importance of attending school every day! she’s still going and teaching to this day at 72. 00:33:03 Theron Schutte: Theron Schutte, Superintendent, Marshalltown CSD 00:33:58 Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works: Kelley, you are doubly blessed in having a teacher for a mom! 00:37:38 Tammy Hodges: Is this still the same for remote students, not logging on during class but completing the work at a later time 00:39:21 Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works: Great question, Tammy. There is not a similar research base for how much lost instructional time online puts students behind. Until we can get that research done, we are extrapolating the 10% for virtual. Your school will need to monitor and figure out what the right amount is. 00:40:46 Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works: You all received a link to a document on Expanded Attendance Metrics which goes into greater depth on each metric. Please remember to take a look after class. 00:41:14 Tammy Hodges: will do 00:41:52 patmorgan: We take attendance base on engagement rates and participation rates 00:42:05 Ona Lindberg: I monitor block by block … we are fully remote. Daily attendance is not an accurate picture right now. 00:42:06 Gail Avery: We are looking at class attendance and tardies as well from 6-12 00:42:58 AllisonRussman: I work in conjunction with the schools, they keep track of all absences, contacts, etc. and I check in weekly with students that are on my caseload 00:43:00 Rebecca Arredondo: We try to keep up on contact info and who has connectivity, but I don't know if that counts as "tracking" necessarily. 00:43:40 Courtney Klingman: I'm curious as to how districts are tracking "relationships" since that's more broad and subjective? 00:44:36 Sue, Attendance Works: Some school districts track relationships by tracking which students have access to a mentoring program, or are part of particular enrichment activities, clubs, and afterschool programs. Lastly if schools/districts have an advisory that would be an indicator of a relationship. 00:44:47 Beth Kelzer: possibly with the "other" parent 00:44:49 patmorgan: Sue doesn’t have access to technology 00:44:51 Ona Lindberg: WiFi issues? - Sue 00:44:52 Theresa Reynolds: they are working? babysitting? 00:44:53 Gayle Clark: Sue may have poor internet 00:44:54 Marlene Jairam: Cecelia - transportation issues 00:44:55 Amber Hackett: Transportation, Access to technology/internet. 00:44:56 P00010285: It may relate to parent work schedules. 00:44:57 Kevin Garth Flint: hybrid 00:44:58 Monica Segovia : Maybe not internet 00:45:04 Allison Wilson: Sue - connectivity/technology issues, taking care of siblings 00:45:05 Danica: We focus greatly on the relationship piece. Our principals, asst principals, teachers and outreach specialists, counselors....all reaching out daily to students and families to build and foster those relationships to engage and encourage students to come to school or engage 00:45:07 tyleres: homelessness 00:45:08 FARROWK: Cecilia is not comfortable with in person learning. She's scared of getting covid 00:45:09 Marisela De La Torre: wifi issues 00:45:16 Beth Kelzer: Transportation to school 00:45:18 patmorgan: Cecelia has no ride…doesn’t like her teacher 00:45:18 Angela Pelham - Rogers/Hoglan: Transportation-Cecilia, No internet or Device-Sue 00:45:19 Allison Alves: Babysitting, transportation, wifi 00:45:25 Beckie Matheson: Online classes aren’t as interesting/motivating to participate in 00:45:27 Marlene Jairam: Sue - no supervision at home or technical problems 00:45:28 Theresa Reynolds: transportation? lack of connectivity? homeless? 00:45:29 eybarra: Refusing to get online. 00:45:32 Courteney Vogt: Sue- No support at home to get connected 00:45:33 tyleres: working 00:45:34 Monica Segovia : transportation, 00:45:40 p00043083: Mental health concerns 00:45:43 P00010285: May relate to parenting arrangements-time sharing. 00:45:44 Gabby Joseph: Language barriers 00:45:51 Lynne Beattie: Sue - chaotic home, Cecilia - transportation 00:45:53 Gail Avery: Need to reach the family to ask. 00:46:00 Glenis Contreras: I will know if Ii follow up by contacting parents 00:46:01 Tammy Hodges: that is the biggest issue...no supervision at home...what correction do we have for that 00:46:02 Courteney Vogt: Cecelia- Transportation issues 00:46:05 marywhite: Self management issues 00:46:05 Mercedez Jackson: call the family or do home visit if we aren't able to contact them 00:46:06 Bre Landrum: May not want to be seen on screen, and does not want camera on for live classes 00:46:33 Marlene Jairam: Medical or mental health appointments for services that they use to get at school - Cecelia 00:50:02 Tammy Hodges: we have to be more flexible 00:50:07 Tammy Hodges: with expectations 00:50:09 Danica: pivot!!! 00:50:15 patmorgan: More difficult to engage students after a period of time 00:50:17 Theresa Reynolds: they don't get to see their friends 00:50:19 Joyce Synnott: Challenge of creating connection and belonging 00:50:21 Allison Alves: Meet kids where they are at 00:50:21 Theresa Reynolds: isolation 00:50:23 kenders02394: More students are not motivated 00:50:24 Charity Trowbridge: Learning environment has changed - 00:50:24 Laura Holt: Be more empatic 00:50:27 Glenis Contreras: Physical is not an option for many. 00:50:28 Monica: Show more grace. 00:50:29 patmorgan: harder to build relationships virtually 00:50:29 Allison Atkins: Inconsistency in days, co-horting (blended learning), health/safety concerns 00:50:30 Theresa Reynolds: fear 00:50:32 Phillip Shaver: Revise local school board policy 00:50:33 Lynne Beattie: Some students are withdrawing due to lack of social interaction. 00:50:39 Mercedez Jackson: YES SHOW MORE GRACE! 00:50:40 Marlene Jairam: Their social interactions; support vs non-support 00:50:41 Cameron Bogert: Don't always know the whole story, have to pause and think way outside of the box of what might be normal. 00:50:43 Allison Alves: Provide choice 00:50:44 Theresa Reynolds: housing instability 00:50:46 Charity Trowbridge: School is no longer fun for students 00:50:46 Courteney Vogt: having to learn a whole new way to do school 00:50:48 Gayle Clark: Check our assumptions about why students aren't connecting 00:50:49 P00026667: so important to make connections 00:50:49 Deena: Teachers are very frustrated and overwhelmed-students sense it! 00:50:51 kenders02394: Many kids are depressed 00:50:52 Courtney Klingman: A higher number of students and families are struggling with access to resources for basic needs 00:50:52 Allison Atkins: Teacher burn out/exhaustion 00:50:53 Rochelle’s iPhone: family issues (lost jobs) 00:50:56 Terry McGarry: Losing Math and reading levels 00:50:59 Stevie Stillinger: Kids report virtual days are hard and they loose confidence in themslves to pass the classes. 00:51:00 patmorgan: Hard to understand the environment around them 00:51:00 Gail Avery: Need to better partner with the adults in our students' lives. 00:51:03 Sam Slocum: Flexibility with students, families, and staff 00:51:04 Marlene Jairam: Increased emotional problems. 00:51:06 Courteney Vogt: Building technology skills 00:51:21 Charity Trowbridge: Students feel disconnected 00:51:24 Gabby Joseph: New family dynamics 00:51:33 Stephanie Kubej: Some students have flourished during virtual learning who haven’t before. 00:51:47 P00010285: Using virtual platforms has increased about ability to communicate with more people. 00:52:23 Elizabeth Edwards: Flexibility is important, but the willingness of the families and students to overcome their circumstances is also important and may take time via support counseling and community connections. 00:52:30 Antoinette: More understanding of what students and parents are dealing with. Need to communication and listen to their needs and concerns. 00:55:33 Gail Avery: hotspots 00:55:39 Marisela De La Torre: chromebooks for all students 00:55:40 Sam Slocum: Access to internet 00:55:40 Theresa Reynolds: access to the internet good connections 00:55:41 Laura Batson: Hotspots 00:55:42 Rebecca Arredondo: reliable access to internet 00:55:42 tyleres: device issues 00:55:42 Joyce Synnott: Homerooms 00:55:45 Cameron Bogert: Access to internet 00:55:46 Glenis Contreras: Access to tech and Equipment 00:55:47 Bre Landrum: Positive relationships 00:55:51 Theron Schutte: Positive Relationships still huge 00:55:52 Quincy HS - Elizabeth Averill: Connectivity & Relationships 00:55:52 Elizabeth Edwards: Privacy. 00:55:58 ida oberman: multiple hot spots; language support; morning circle 00:56:01 patmorgan: input of families in planning 00:56:03 Courteney Vogt: Access to internet and technology 00:56:05 Terry McGarry: Distribution of hot spots and access to wifi connections 00:56:11 p00043083: Access to resources 00:56:13 Allison Alves: Tech support 00:56:23 Marlene Jairam: Knowledge of technology 00:56:27 Allison Alves: Parental / adult support 00:56:32 P00010285: Parent support with e-learning. 00:56:38 Gayle Clark: Multiple ways to communicate information to students and families 00:56:41 patmorgan: Access to Learning Supports 00:56:42 Stevie Stillinger: Routines- helping the students get t into a routine when at home learning 00:56:43 Laura Batson: That's a good point 00:56:43 Monica Segovia : hotspot, language support, tech support, 00:56:46 Charmaine Williams: Having routine and discipline to attend virtual learning 00:56:47 Theresa Reynolds: child care. I am finding older children are being used to supervise little ones - while parent works from home 00:56:48 Mercedez Jackson: Building relationships and thinking outside of the box to accommodate untraditional needs 00:56:49 Bre Landrum: Clear expectations communicated, honesty and transparency 00:56:58 Courteney Vogt: Communication with families 00:57:13 Marlene Jairam: Relationship building with the parents and caregivers 00:57:13 Charity Trowbridge: Consistent school and classroom communication 00:57:18 Theresa Reynolds: affordable housing 00:57:19 Monica Segovia : Communication with families 00:57:22 Glenis Contreras: Balance between physical safety and emotional/ social support 00:57:27 Danica: Food distribution and supporting families with wifi on buses 00:57:28 Renee Symons: Relationships & communication. 00:57:30 Ann: communicating with families in their home langue 00:57:31 Sue, Attendance Works: Great responses everyone, thank you for sharing! 00:57:34 Bre Landrum: Basic needs supported and supplied when needed 00:57:41 Theresa Reynolds: need learning pods in the community 00:57:44 Danica: Being consistent with relationships 00:58:00 Elizabeth Edwards: thank you. I Love that!!! 01:02:12 Cathy W,: Here is the small group handout for School Climate Elements: https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/School-Climate-Elements.pdf 01:02:17 Erica Filipiak: What was that? Climate & culture. One was how you feel. The other was?…. (I liked the way she worded that.) 01:03:12 Elizabeth Edwards: Accurate attendance is missing. 01:03:42 Charmaine Williams: Are there examples of protocols teachers would have in place? 01:03:43 Kevin Garth Flint: culture: beliefs/values 01:03:53 Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works: Environment: How has our school promoted engaging learning at home? What has our school done to ensure students have access to connectivity? Safety: What steps has our school taken to support safe and healthy learning at home? Teaching: Do teachers have access to attendance information and outreach protocols for students who miss too much school? Relationships: Does every student and family have at least one documented supportive relationship with a member of the school staff? 01:05:12 Cathy W,: Refer to this handout https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/School-Climate-Elements.pdf 01:22:19 patmorgan: Teachers are more focused on relationship building…a positive take-away 01:22:24 Theresa Reynolds: after school groups on line for students to connect 01:22:28 James Cook: I head a great idea about empathy interviews with families. 01:22:33 James Cook: *heard 01:23:02 patmorgan: Have become better with technology and how to use it in our instructional delivery 01:23:14 patmorgan: Learned to be more flexible 01:23:15 marywhite: One member of our group shared that they are holding more teaching sessions for parents such as webinars so that parents can understand the technology and learning experience that their children are working through 01:23:17 AllisonRussman: But doesn't that just push them through the system theb 01:23:21 kenders02394: I have learned that we must continue to make connections with students and families. We must help the parents. 01:23:26 Courtney Klingman: Would love to hear more about empathy interviews! 01:24:13 Rebecca Arredondo: I liked the idea of having an open lunch Zoom/Google Meet with students, families to "tune in" and eat lunch and socialize/talk with an adult at school as they are still in Distance Learning (e.g., with counselor, Family Advocate, etc.) 01:24:26 Sam Slocum: Mercedes had a great point- building relationships by having teachers reach out to those families by calling, not just sendig a message, actually calling and talking and making connections 01:25:35 Sam Slocum: Families will work better with the school if they have a good relationship rather than threatening them with court 01:27:30 Danica: We use a shared Google drive within each school where teachers can put in students of concern so we can follow up and appropriate interventions can take place 01:28:45 Ona Lindberg: Same Danica - Also, I do a lot of home visits with my SRO. 01:28:54 Danica: Our new attendance guidance fosters relationships and tracks student engagement 01:30:00 Ona Lindberg: If transportation is an issue for in person meetings, we pick them (parents/guardians) up in the school van and bring them in (we are high poverty). 01:31:37 Ona Lindberg: Phone calls, home visits 01:31:57 Laura Holt: Start where the family is at 01:31:59 Allison Atkins: Positive family contacts (not just when there’s an issue) 01:32:06 Christen RIcarte: Phone call to check in 01:32:07 Laura Batson: Front porch visits 01:32:09 jdestino: Phone calls. Hear them out first 01:32:11 P00010285: Offering concrete resources on a regular basis to families in need also helps build relationships and trust. 01:32:11 Allison Wilson: positive language, strength based focus, non-judgmental 01:32:11 Rochelle’s iPhone: home visits are working well 01:32:12 patmorgan: Many classroom teachers have activities that the entire family can engage together in completing the activitiy 01:32:13 Candice Paul: Same language as the family 01:32:17 Courtney Klingman: having casual lunch or other informal interactions with students, home visits, empowerment clubs 01:32:18 Allison Alves: Phone calls, positive emails - not just emailing when things go wrong or bad - just emailing to check in 01:32:22 Leanne Radabaugh - K - 8 MTSS Coordinator - NC: always be an active listener when problem solving with families - lead with empathy not judgement 01:32:22 marywhite: Shout outs home when a student is standing out or has some progree 01:32:28 Bre Landrum: Showing up with a good attitude and consistency. Positive interactions, being a voice for families in the schools when they do not feel like they have one 01:32:29 Widad Gaddah: Connect with families with their native language. 01:32:31 Marlene Jairam: Just reaching out to the families and allowing time for them to share their experience and feelings 01:32:31 Danica: "How can we help you" … "I missed Felicia in class today, I hope everything is ok" …. Teachers have set up lunch bunches virtually, 01:32:32 Kyndra Lobdell: Conversations about breaking down family 01:32:36 Danica: home visits 01:32:36 Angela Pelham - Rogers/Hoglan: Listening to student/family point of view, concerns, ideas 01:32:37 Renee Symons: Phone calls, emails, and open communication. 01:32:37 Glenis Contreras: Connecting as an additional support rather than to complaint or demand something 01:32:38 Bob Putnam: Send a positive postcard home 01:32:41 patmorgan: Invite families to virtually attend any class 01:32:52 Ona Lindberg: Active listening 01:32:54 Laura Batson: Send thank you cards for sharing their child with us 01:32:59 Beth Kelzer: Taking a supporting tone when reaching out. Not asking why the student was not in attendance, but stating we want to problem solve and help support your student. 01:33:01 Bre Landrum: Creating a relationship BEFORE there is a problem 01:33:02 patmorgan: One call home every 7 days 01:33:04 Rebecca Arredondo: positive text messages, phone calls, walking and talking meet-ups, 01:33:05 Kyndra Lobdell: breaking down family barriers 01:33:11 Stephanie Kubej: Special postcards - We Miss You - 01:33:14 Laura Holt: Helping provide basic needs, food, ect start the relationships 01:33:15 kenders02394: Calling home and really listening to the parents concerns and working to solve any problems that may exist. 01:33:22 Kevin Garth Flint: love the postcard idea 01:33:22 Marlene Jairam: Being empathy to what the family is experiencing. 01:33:28 Jaime Segovia: Ensure that the families feel we are available to assist them and not against them 01:33:41 Antoinette: Start with where the family is and listen, communication, phone calls, School staff is caring and engaging. 01:34:39 Widad Gaddah: Communicate with families that we are working as a team. 01:35:09 eybarra: Listening to families, going the extra mile to help them in anyway we can. Letting them know that we are here for them. 01:35:48 Courtney Klingman: 9 01:35:49 Ona Lindberg: 9 01:35:50 Kevin Garth Flint: 10 01:35:51 AllisonRussman: 5 01:35:53 Jessica Jordan: 5 01:35:53 Phillip Shaver: 8 01:35:55 Cameron Bogert: 10 01:35:57 Bob Putnam: 10 01:35:59 Rebecca Arredondo: 10% of the school days 01:36:00 Marlene Jairam: 5 01:36:01 kenders02394: 10% 01:36:02 Widad Gaddah: 5 01:36:06 patmorgan: 8 01:36:08 Courteney Vogt: 5 01:36:08 Jayden Sellers: 8 01:36:09 Terry McGarry: 5 01:36:10 Angela Pelham - Rogers/Hoglan: 8 01:36:11 Monica Segovia : 10% 01:36:14 Charity Trowbridge: less than 5% 01:36:46 ida oberman: 5% 01:40:58 Rebecca Arredondo: that's assuming all schools have a 180 school year. My district usually has around 160 days. Looking at the % to figure out how many days missed in a school year =5% or 10%, etc. makes it more specific for your school/district. 01:41:20 Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works: You can still use the 10% measure Rebecca. 01:42:08 Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works: The value of using the 10% is that it is a rolling measure so don't wait until 9 absences to reach out. 01:42:25 Rebecca Arredondo: Yes, and that's what I've done, so in my district missing more than ~16 days makes a student chronically absent, instead of 18. We've broadcast that to families throughout the district over the last 5 years. 01:42:49 Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works: Perfect! 01:42:56 ida oberman: uneven 01:42:59 Adrianne: not at all 01:42:59 Rebecca Arredondo: and we do reach out before we get to that marker too. 01:43:00 Lindsay Record: Somewhat familiar 01:43:01 Marlene Jairam: Somewaht 01:43:01 Cameron Bogert: Somewhat Familiar 01:43:02 ida oberman: some yes some not so 01:43:03 Leah Bracken: Somewhat 01:43:06 Glenis Contreras: Familiar 01:43:06 Theron Schutte: Not 01:43:07 Renee Symons: Somewhat 01:43:07 Mr. Raúl Alcantar - CSCE Dean (he/him): somewhat 01:43:08 Gayle Clark: Most not at all 01:43:09 Angela Pelham - Rogers/Hoglan: somewhat to very 01:43:11 Allison Atkins: Most are not 01:43:11 Laura Batson: Not Familiar 01:43:11 Bob Putnam: Some what 01:43:11 P00010285: Our social work staff are very familiar with the research. 01:43:12 Kyndra Lobdell: somewhat 01:43:12 Lindsay Record: Somewhat 01:43:14 kimfleming: not at all 01:43:14 Charity Trowbridge: not 01:43:14 Courteney Vogt: Somewhat familiar 01:43:15 Monica Segovia : ot 01:43:16 patmorgan: no at all 01:43:16 Marlene Jairam: Somewhat 01:43:17 Renee Symons: Not at all 01:43:17 Rebecca Arredondo: somewhat familiar for staff and families 01:43:18 Theron Schutte: Some 01:43:18 Jaime Segovia: not 01:43:20 Ona Lindberg: Not. - I am working on changing that. : ) 01:43:20 Mercedez Jackson: not familiar . 01:43:22 Glenis Contreras: Somewhat familiar 01:43:23 Bob Putnam: Not familiar 01:43:26 Courteney Vogt: not familiar 01:43:26 P00010285: SW are asks to present this information to parents and school staff. 01:43:29 Phillip Shaver: Chronic Absenteeism is defined in our school board policy. 01:43:36 Gabby Joseph: Social work staff are very familiar 01:43:38 Antoinette: Somewhat 01:43:44 Deena: many of my families don't believe this research 01:44:23 Antoinette: Social work staff is very familiar, however other school staff might be somewhat familiar. 01:44:27 Sue, Attendance Works: Deena that is a helpful point, we have resources like this video that hopefully can help families make the connection. 01:46:20 Sue, Attendance Works: This success plan includes a calendar to help families track absences overtime to ensure they are noticing when absences add up. 01:52:19 Courtney Klingman: Have all the success plans been updated for each level for the current year? (PK, Elementary, Secondary)? 01:52:46 Cecelia Leong, Attendance Works: https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 01:53:11 Ona Lindberg: Thank you. 01:53:14 Cathy W,: Class evaluation: https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 01:53:19 Leanne Radabaugh - K - 8 MTSS Coordinator - NC: THANKS SO MUCH 01:53:24 Cameron Bogert: Thank you! 01:53:29 Sue, Attendance Works: Thank you everyone for your contributions! 01:53:32 Courteney Vogt: Thank you! 01:53:34 ida oberman: Thank you so much and thanks to fellow participants for sharing 01:53:37 Gayle Clark: Thank you! 01:53:38 FARROWK: Thank you. 01:53:40 eybarra: Thank You!! 01:53:48 Bob Putnam: Thank you 01:53:50 Yolanda Cordova: Thank you! 01:53:51 Beth Kelzer: Thank you so much. 01:54:00 Sue, Attendance Works: Hallway / Parking Lot hangout virtually 01:54:01 Amber Hackett: Thank you! 01:54:03 Allison Atkins: Thank you! 01:54:04 Renee Symons: Thank you!! 01:54:04 Mr. Raúl Alcantar - CSCE Dean (he/him): Thank you all for sharing your wisdom and best practices