00:30:11 Cecelia Leong: Very well. Happy that spring has sprung on the west coast 00:30:36 claire.pearsonwalker@esd112.org: I agree, it has been sunny here the last couple of days! 00:30:51 Cecelia Leong: Hey Claire! 00:30:58 Pam Medve: I'm happy to hear that. I think winter decided to hang around a little longer here in PA. 00:31:08 claire.pearsonwalker@esd112.org: Hi Cecelia!! 00:31:10 Michele Mace: I'm freezing today....lol 00:31:26 Alison Wycoff: Good Morning! I like the Mozart! :-) 00:31:28 Cecelia Leong: Well, it's nice and warm here in our zoom room 00:31:34 Cecelia Leong: Glad you all are here! 00:36:17 JHaudenshild: Jeff Haudenshild 00:36:26 Kris Vogt: Kris Vogt, Parent Engagement Coordinator 00:36:26 Melissa Holley: Melissa Holley, Truancy Coordinator for Tippecanoe County Indiana. Sunny and cold 00:36:28 aberry: Andy Berry, School Social Worker; Alexander County, NC 00:36:28 Alison Wycoff: Alison Wycoff, Truancy Specialist, Shoreline School District, King County Washington state 00:36:28 Michele Mace: Michele Mace, School Social Worker at Reading High School and it is sunny and COLD 00:36:38 Tricia Budgar: Tricia Budgar - Geneva City School District - District Lead for Attendance 00:36:38 Mrs. Davis (she, her): Erica Davis, Student Engagement Advocate, Urbana School district 116 in Illinois. It is 37 degrees but sunny! 00:36:39 Todd Langager: Todd Langager, Evaluation Coordinator at San Diego County Office of Education — sunny & upper 60s! 00:36:40 Ariel Parker: Ariel Parker, Social Worker, Reading School District Reading, PA, Sunny and Cold with some snow still :-) 00:36:40 Marin Trujillo: Marin Trujillo-WCCUSD-Comm.Eng/Attendance Coordinator- It’s sunny and cold here as well 00:36:42 Alison Wycoff: Gray and cold 00:36:44 Loannie Houston: Loannie Houston, MVCA Attendance Specialist, Michigan Virtual Charter Academy is my district. Weather--Sunny and Cold. 00:36:45 Joshua Hart: Joshua Hart, Caseworker. 00:36:46 Erin Gordon: Erin Gordon, Coordinator, SDCOE- weather is sunny and 60's 00:36:49 Mitzy Maldonado: Mitzy Maldonado 00:36:49 Kathleen Blount: Kathleen Blount- Social Worker, Middle School Waukegan. Sunny and cold. 00:36:51 Pam Medve: Pam Medve, Caseworker for Blueprints Head Start 00:36:51 Trish Piliado: Trish Piliado, Vancouver School District, Vancouver, WA, Director of Student Welfare and Attendance 00:36:52 aweis: Allyson Weis, Behavior Specialist at Thomas Jefferson Middle School in Lake County IL 00:36:52 Eric Vaillancourt: Good afternoon! Eric from North Street School in Geneva, NY. We are in the heart of the Finger Lakes. It is sunny but very cold. 00:36:57 Dr. Margareth Legaspi: Hi, everyone! This is Dr. Margareth Legaspi, Chief Education Strategy Officer in Verite Group, Inc. We help schools automatically capture student engagement and attendance data during remote, hybrid, and in-person learning across various learning platforms. It's sunny in VA! 00:37:01 sbetthauser: Stephanie Betthauser, Counselor, Jefferson Middle School, Waukegan IL sunny and 40’s :) 00:37:02 Delnita Mickey: Good morning, I'm Delnita Mickey, Principal @ MLK College Prep, Frayser Community Schools in Memphis, TN 00:37:03 JHaudenshild: Jeff Haudenshild, Dean of Students Mills Elementary, Klamath Falls ], Oregon. Sunny 55 00:37:07 Kayla: Kayla Stephens -- Caseworker -- Washington, PA 00:37:07 Christine Clark-Gustafson: Christine Clark-Gustafson Truancy Liaison, Auburn School District, Auburn WA. Gray & cold. 00:37:21 Susan Meskos: Susan Meskos, Principal, Geneva CSD. sunny and cold in NY 00:37:21 claire.pearsonwalker@esd112.org: Claire Pearson Walker, Educational Service District 112 Truancy Project Coordinator, I work with Clark and Cowlitz County here in Washington State. It is sunny but a little cold at 41 degrees. 00:37:30 Drew Herron: Drew Herron Coordinator CWA, Napa Valley USD. 00:37:36 Kim Welling: Kim Welling, Burlington WA, attendance specialist 00:37:43 Alison Wycoff: Hi Kim!!! 00:37:51 claire.pearsonwalker@esd112.org: Hi Kim and Alison! 00:37:51 Linn Brooks: Hello, Linn Brooks, Darrington School District, AD, ASB Sec. Title IX, BECCA/Truancy, McKinney Vento/Foster Care Case Manager. Darrington Washington some snow left and cold 00:38:01 Kim Welling: hi 00:41:26 Krissy Johnson: Would you categorize MTSS systems and processes: e.g. teams, data use, screening, family engagement as Foundational? 00:41:40 Melissa Holley: Positive relationships 00:41:47 Alison Wycoff: Positive Relationships 00:41:51 Trish Piliado: Positive Relationships 00:41:52 Todd Langager: Communication 00:41:53 Kathleen Blount: Clear expectations and communication about attendance. 00:41:55 Kris Vogt: Positive Relationships 00:41:56 claire.pearsonwalker@esd112.org: Positive relationships with families and students 00:41:56 sbetthauser: Pos. rel. 00:41:57 Michele Mace: Positivie Relationships 00:41:58 Drew Herron: Positive Relationships 00:42:00 Eric Vaillancourt: Positive relationships 00:42:00 Ariel Parker: Positive Relationships and Clear expectations 00:42:07 aberry: pos relationships now, want to further develop clearly communicated expectations next 00:42:07 Alissa: positive solutions 00:42:08 JHaudenshild: Positive relationships 00:42:11 Delnita Mickey: 1st and 2nd one 00:42:17 Ms. Virgous: Clear expecatations 00:42:43 Ms. Virgous: Clear expectations 00:42:54 DANA WORTH: Dana Worth Marysville School District , Washington State. Truancy Specialist/CT Coordinator   00:43:27 Alison Wycoff: trust 00:43:28 Eric Vaillancourt: Trust 00:43:30 sbetthauser: trust 00:43:33 JHaudenshild: Trust 00:43:34 Kris Vogt: Communication 00:43:34 claire.pearsonwalker@esd112.org: communication 00:43:35 Dr. Margareth Legaspi: Open communication 00:43:38 aberry: shared beliefs 00:43:39 Trish Piliado: Data-based decision making 00:43:41 Michele Mace: great communication 00:43:41 Melissa Holley: follow through 00:43:42 Mitzy Maldonado: communication 00:43:45 Joshua Hart: Communication 00:43:46 Todd Langager: High expectations 00:43:46 Drew Herron: Trust 00:43:47 Kim Welling: all people contribute 00:43:47 Kathleen Blount: Equity of voice 00:43:48 Delnita Mickey: Honesty 00:43:49 Krissy Johnson: Structure, defined roles 00:43:50 Alissa: communication 00:43:50 Christine Clark-Gustafson: communication 00:43:50 Loannie Houston: Student of Interest Knowledge 00:43:52 Eric Vaillancourt: Clarity of role and expectations 00:43:53 Nate Schneck: Consistent Follow Through 00:43:55 Michele Mace: belief in team approach 00:43:59 Ms. Virgous: open communication 00:44:06 Marin Trujillo: Asset orientation 00:44:22 Krissy Johnson: ^^^Marin 00:52:33 Loannie Houston: All selections and other team. Other team is our SST team. 01:01:00 Sue Fothergill: virtual synchronous by period. 01:01:07 Eric Vaillancourt: Attendance is taken at the start of synchronous learning. Twice daily. Beginning of the day and after the lunch break. 01:01:08 Krissy Johnson: You're looking for frequency? 01:01:09 Mrs. Davis (she, her): They are marked present when they log in at all (or when they are doing homework and not in class) 01:01:14 Melissa Holley: Missing work for secondary school per period, zoom for younger students usually 2x a day 01:01:14 Ariel Parker: Present after filling out attendance form for 1 period 01:01:15 Delnita Mickey: Ours school is synchronous. Each period attendance is taken. 01:01:16 Michele Mace: but we take attendance by period daily 01:01:24 Mrs. Davis (she, her): Marked absent when not present at all (daily) 01:01:26 Alison Wycoff: present is attending a Zoom lesson or completing work on educational platform/Canvas. Secondary by period, elementary twice/day 01:01:27 Stephanie Jones: Attendance is taken the first half of the day and again after lunch for elementary schools. By period/class for older grades. 01:01:28 Ms. Virgous: We take attendance every class period daily 01:01:36 Denise Drenning: ELe 01:01:37 Drew Herron: Hybrid daily synchronous. 01:01:39 Denise Drenning: d 01:01:40 Todd Langager: Sychronous learning (Zoom) daily. 01:01:42 Alison Wycoff: We are all remote 01:01:43 Marin Trujillo: Daily or present if asynchron 01:01:44 mimoore: Every class period 01:01:46 JHaudenshild: Daily by live streaming or work done through canvas 01:01:52 DANA WORTH: Present if attending a live zoon for Synchronous, present for Asynchronous if they turn in work and answer attendance question. 01:01:53 Kathleen Blount: By period daily both synchronous and asynchronous, as long as their name shows up in the meet. 01:01:56 Nate Schneck: Daily, every period with remote/in-person identified 01:01:56 aberry: daily at check in on synchronous days, if complete work on asynchronous days 01:02:07 Alison Wycoff: by attending Zoom or completing work asynchronously 01:02:08 Denise Drenning: periods 01:02:10 Michele Mace: Remote: Daily check in google forms by period and also verbal check ins 01:02:13 Ariel Parker: We provide synchronous but can be marked present if they fill out the form for 1 period and do not attend. 01:02:15 John Robertson: It takes coordination between teacher and attendance clerk, but if departmentalized student has to show up to each class, but also if a student does not participate or does not have camera on, marked absent. 01:02:22 Joshua Hart: Daily or weekly depending on if they are virtually learning or if packets are sent home. Same with absences. 01:02:59 Mitzy Maldonado: central Illinois -elementary. Attendance is taken daily 01:05:32 Dr. Margareth Legaspi: For schools we work with, we take daily attendance using NetRef (https://net-ref.com/) for both synchronous and asynchronous learning 01:08:36 Cecelia Leong: It looks like people are using a range of methods--some quite labor intensive to take attendance. 01:11:50 John Robertson: Is there any data over a large sample size that shows attendance data based on socio-economic metrics and/or ethnicity? Thanks 01:12:26 Cathy W,: school summary of actions (blank form) https://www.attendanceworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/School-summary-of-actions-BLANK-FORM.pdf 01:12:53 Krissy Johnson: @John - there is national data from OCR. Is that what you're interested in? 01:32:40 Drew Herron: LatinX 01:32:40 Mitzy Maldonado: EL students and free lunch students. 01:32:42 Jen: Special Ed, ELL, Economically disadvantaged students. 01:32:43 Marin Trujillo: Afrian American, Latin, K students 01:32:43 Alison Wycoff: Mkinney Vento, free/reduced lunch, MLL 01:32:46 Trish Piliado: Our English Language Learners are struggling the most 01:32:46 Loannie Houston: Seniors 01:32:47 Eric Vaillancourt: Low SES 01:32:50 Michele Mace: ELL/Special Ed 01:32:52 Kris Vogt: For our pre-school age children, it is those with older siblings in school 01:32:53 Nate Schneck: Low SES 01:32:54 aberry: the historically most dysregulated students with mental helth issues 01:32:54 Alison Wycoff: Sped 01:32:59 JHaudenshild: Low SES 01:33:05 John Robertson: ELs, diverse learners, kids without supervision. 01:33:14 Ariel Parker: upper classman 01:33:14 Linn Brooks: students that are struggling with homelessness 01:33:15 Krissy Johnson: State-wide we see McKinney Vento, Native Youth, EL, Pacific Islander 01:33:18 claire.pearsonwalker@esd112.org: I have heard k,1,2 have really struggled during distance learning 01:33:22 Alison Wycoff: My anxiety/school refusal students have improved attendance 01:33:31 Krissy Johnson: And students with low-income 01:33:51 Krissy Johnson: Students that identify as gender x also have higher attendance 01:39:04 Cecelia Leong: If you took the examples of students with anxiety or who identify as gender x and used the 5 Whys exercise, what might you learn about what works to improve attendance/ reduce absences? 01:40:35 Alison Wycoff: Older students providing childcare 01:40:40 aberry: zoom fatigue 01:40:51 Delnita Mickey: Working during the day 01:40:52 Stephanie Jones: Older students now have jobs during the day. 01:41:03 Krissy Johnson: mental health compromised 01:41:03 Delnita Mickey: Student's overwhelmed 01:41:03 Ariel Parker: Many other distractions in the home, can play video games etc 01:41:06 Mrs. Davis (she, her): Not a conducive learning environment at home 01:41:11 Ms. Virgous: Seniors have a job 01:41:11 Alison Wycoff: Trouble keeping current on payments to WIF 01:41:19 Krissy Johnson: lack of adult supervision and guidance 01:41:21 Denise Drenning: in home distractions 01:41:22 Krissy Johnson: at home 01:41:32 Kathleen Blount: lack of supervision 01:41:36 John Robertson: no supervision; device problems; not engaging lessons; 01:41:37 Alison Wycoff: yes! 01:41:37 Delnita Mickey: They feel it's more work virtually than they do in class and now they are frustrated. Then they give up and stop coming to class. 01:41:38 Drew Herron: Poor sleeping patterns. 01:41:46 Mrs. Davis (she, her): Parents not able to sit with student to ensure engagement and attention 01:41:56 John Robertson: student choose which classes to go to and not 01:44:53 Eric Vaillancourt: Are other people seeing the video? 01:44:59 John Robertson: video? 01:45:12 Loannie Houston: Whose talking? Is it a video where is it. 01:45:31 Sue Fothergill: We are working on getting the video up, thank you! 01:45:38 Dr. Margareth Legaspi: Thanks! 01:45:42 Sue Fothergill: These are video snippets you can share with your school teams. 01:47:22 Sue Fothergill: That was Hedy Chang our Executive Director! 01:52:02 Michele Mace: starting in person tutoring this week 01:52:03 Alison Wycoff: All building have Family Advocates 01:52:41 Stephanie Jones: Assign a dedicated aide to provide one on one support for students in breakout sessions. 01:52:42 Drew Herron: Working with community partners to establish a place for students to be during the day and access online learning at the students scheduled time. 01:52:49 Melissa Holley: We run TPEC classes for parents (Truancy Prevention Education Classes) to help educate parents about the importance of attendance, the process if attendance issues continue, brainstorm solutions to their issues and share their grievances if needed. 01:53:06 Kathleen Blount: We are doing that as well, Drew. 01:54:08 Kim Welling: hi Luis!! 01:58:02 Cathy W,: Class evaluation link: https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 01:58:16 Alison Wycoff: would love to know what community-wide tier 1 interventions are successful 02:00:07 Maria Rogers: Is there a point at which schools are legally bound to involve child protection services, if other attempts have failed? Seems like it would be very damaging to family-school relationships but sometimes may be necessary. 02:02:36 Krissy Johnson: @Sue - that sounds like a program we can learn from! 02:02:53 Melissa Holley: Do you know anything about how the decriminalization of Truancy at a national level and if so, thoughts on how we continue to support these kids? 02:03:12 Cathy W,: Please tell us how we can improve the class: https://app.upmetrics.com/data_collector/ckf2oltbqlt8k0759tfdbfybj 02:03:43 Loannie Houston: Compassion verses Compliance 02:04:14 Cecelia Leong: Thanks for being here--we understand if you need to go. Please fill out the evaluation if you have to go. Thanks. 02:05:18 Erin Gordon: Thank you! 02:05:28 Sue Fothergill: Thank you everyone! 02:05:32 claire.pearsonwalker@esd112.org: Thank you so much for another great training! Have a great week!